


Using Parallel K-means Clustering to Construct the Stock Decision Support System Based on Hadoop Platform






大數據 ; 平行K-means演算法 ; 決策支援系統 ; 技術指標 ; Hadoop ; Big Data ; Parallel K-means cluster ; Decision Support System ; Technical Analysis ; Hadoop














Stock market investment has always been a popular way to invest. The approach is divided into fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and chip analysis. In technical analysis, investors will invest in stocks based on different technical indicators, but there are various kinds of technical indicators that usually make the investors be confused of using which technical indicators to invest, leading to investment results are not satisfactory. In this study, the stock market data is sourced from TEJ database. This paper will be based on Hadoop platform, let the stock after the first through the parallel computing technology indicators formula, and set the K-means algorithm into the MapReduce framework, to cluster stocks and improve operation efficiency at the same time. At last, define the clustering results, and then recommend the investors to make decisions for buying or selling. The decision support system of this paper will be used technical indicators formulas and K-means algorithm to construct a section in which model management system, and analyze the results for investors to reference.

主题分类 商學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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