


The Effects of the 5E Learning Cycle on the Scientific Learning Interests and the Diagnosis of Plant Nutrients and Energy Units in the Seventh Grade






5E學習環教學 ; 學習成就 ; 科學學習興趣 ; 認知診斷 ; 5E learning cycle teaching ; Learning achievement ; Science learning interest ; Cognition of information












本研究目的在瞭解以建構主義所發展的「5E學習環」教學模式(5E Learning Cycle),在融入基本物質與能量概念於「植物的養分與能量」時,對七年級學生學習成就和科學學習興趣的影響,以及學生訊息處理過程的認知為何,學生對於5E學習環教學的看法與建議,以提供未來欲進行建構取向教學之研究者參考。本研究是以準實驗設計進行研究,以桃園市某私立國中一年級的二個班級為研究對象,其中實驗組與對照組的班級人數皆為45人,實驗組接受5E教學環教學,對照組則接受一般講述式的教學。本研究為期兩週,共六堂課,教學前、後以「植物的養分與能量成就測驗」、「科學學習興趣量表」進行量化分析,並以「二段式認知診斷」瞭解學生訊息處理的認知狀況和半結構式晤談進行質化分析。結果顯示如下: 一、經獨立樣本單因子t檢定分析,p=0.032,顯示接受5E學習環教學的 學生在植物的養分與能量上的學習成效是顯著高於一般傳統式教學 的學生。 二、經獨立樣本單因子t檢定分析,p=0.000,顯示接受5E學習環教學的 學生在科學學習興趣上是顯著高於一般傳統式教學的學生。 三、根據二段式認知診斷的工具,接受5E學習環教學的學生,學習過程 是主動學習去建構自己的知識,知識的獲得是有意義的學習,所以 理解多於記憶。 四、根據質化分析結果指出,學生認為5E學習環教學幫助他們當下就能 理解科學知識,且能與同學互動互助,建立完整知識又能增進同學 彼此情誼,透過手動操作加深印象,多半持正向肯定,缺點就是時 間太短。


The objectives of this study is to understand learning achievement, the science study interest, and the cognition of information processing of seventh graders by conducting basic materials and energy concepts of “Nutrient and Engergy of Plant”.To achieve the goal, the teaching model of “5E learning cycle” that developed from constructivism is employed. The research suggestions received from the experiment of 5E learning cycle are referring to the future researchers who intend to discover the constructivist teaching. The subjects of the quasi-experimental research are from two classes of seventh graders in a Taoyuan private school with 45 students are assigned to constructivist instruction (experiment) group and another 45 to traditional instruction (control) group. The experimental group is instructed via 5E learning cycle, and the control group is instructed via lecturing.The study was conducted for two weeks, total six lessons. The instructments include "Plant Nutrition and Energy Achievement Test", "Science Learning Interest Scale" as quantitative data, and "two-stage cognitive diagnosis" and semi-structured interviews as qualitative data. The findings areas follows: 1.By “Independent-Sample T Test” analysis p=0.032, it indicated that there is a significant difference between experimental and control groups on the learning achievement of “Nutrient and Engergy of Plant.” 2. By “Independent-Sample T Test” analysis p=0.000, it indicated that there is a significant difference between two groups on the learning interests of “Nutrient and Engergy of Plant.” 3.According to the two-stage diagnosis, during the learning process, students in the class of 5E learning cycle constructed their knowledge through self- learning, so the acquisition of knowledge is a meaningful learning and understand more than memory. 4.According to qualitative analysis result, students believe the 5E learning cycle in struction helps them understand the scientific knowledge effectively in the course.The students could establish knowledge by cooperating with classmates and enhanced the peer friendship. Students also liked to do it themselves. However, the time was too short.

主题分类 人文與教育學院 > 教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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