


A study on work values and career planning of policewomen in Taichung police departments






女警 ; 工作價值觀 ; 生涯規劃 ; policewomen ; work value ; career planning












本研究以畢業迄今6年內之台中市女警為主要研究對象,並以畢業後擔服警察工作1年至6年且未曾留職停薪1年以上者為首選,旨在探討女警擔服警察工作前後工作價值觀與生涯規劃的互動關係。 本研究以質化研究深度訪談的方式進行,並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集相關的資料。訪談對象經由先前長官的推薦與協助,分別來自行政警察體系及刑事警察體系,並含括基層女警及擔任幹部的女警,服務年資從1年6個月到5年10個月不等,年齡介於25歲至35歲之間。透過6位女警生命故事的描述,了解女警從警前及擔任警察工作後工作價值觀與生涯規劃的實際情況、工作價值觀的改變及其因素,以及工作價值觀改變對生涯規劃的影響。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、女警從警前的工作價值觀以穩定、內勤工作及固定薪水為主,均與週遭環境產生互動,其生涯規劃與工作價值觀相似,以穩定上下班的內勤生活為其目標。 二、女警從警後的工作價值觀以排斥男警文化及官場制度為主,均因評價及接觸的不同而影響自身的行為表現,生涯規劃則以調任單位及升學考試為主,持續朝向穩定的生活方式。 三、女警工作價值觀的改變以組織的影響最為深遠,改變標準、個性與想法為其主要的改變情況,而影響女警工作價值觀改變的因素亦以組織部分為主,其中又以警察工作行為的影響最為顯著。 四、女警工作價值觀的改變多數影響生涯規劃產生改變,而影響女警生涯規劃改變的因素,工作價值觀乃眾多的因素之ㄧ。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對女警、警察組織、相關政府單位及未來相關研究等方面提出建議。


This research focused on the policewomen of Taichung City Government police department that graduated within 6 years and never applied for unpaid leave for more than 1 year. The purpose of this research was to discuss the interaction of work values and career planning before and after the policewomen worked. The research employed the in-depth interview approach, and supplemented by semi-structured interviews outline to gather relevant information.Interviewed via previous recommendations and assistance of the Executive from the administrative police and criminal police, and contains the grassroots the policewoman and cadres policewoman, years of service ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 5 years and 10 months, between the ages of 25 to 35 years old. Through the description of these six policewomen’s stories, we could figure out that the actual situation of work values and career planning ,the transition of work values, and how the change of work values had impact on career planning. According to the research, it can be concluded as follows: 1.Before the policewomen worked, their work values mainly concentrated on the stable internal work and fixed salary. The policewomen were inclined to interact with the environment and their career planning was similar to the work values. 2.The work values after the policewomen worked were based on the exclusion of male police culture and bureaucratic system. Their career planning focused on their transfer and entrance exams. Besides, they preferred a more stable lifestyle. 3.The organization had the most influence on the change of policewomen’s work values, especially the standard, the personality and their module of thinking. The factor was based on the working behavior of police. 4.Most of the transition of policewomen’s work values had impact on their career planning. Based on the conclusions above, the research proposed some suggestions to policewomen, police organization, government coherent units, and also to the following researches in the future.

主题分类 教育學院 > 終身學習與人力資源發展碩士學位學程碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 教育學
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