Taiwan is a highly developed, export-oriented country, where freight transportation plays a significant role for cargo import and export. Taiwan is located in tropical monsoon climate, and faces risks from natural disasters frequently, such as typhoon, heavy rain, flooding, and earthquake. Natural disasters may impose uncertainties to the operation of freight transportation network. Previous studies mainly focused on the passenger transport mode and risks of the business environment. Instead, aim of this research is to assess the risk of freight transportation network from the perspective of vulnerability with emphasis on the impact of natural disaster. Therefore, one of the purpose of this research is to deinfine the disaster risk assessment model for freight transportation network, and utilize the data of Taiwan as empirical results.
In this research , risk assessment model is based on the multiplication of vulnerability and hazard assessment. Network vulnerability is to evaluate the generalized cost when disaster risk took place. Moreover, hazard assessment mainly foucses on natural disaster including typhoon and earthquake. The vulnerability empirical result demonstrated that the overall west freight transportation network is less vulnerable than east except the roads connected Kaohsiung port. However, the high risk road is located in the main road of Kaohsiung port which suffer from earthquake. As for disaster risk of typhoon, the high risk result happen in number nine high way. Based on previous result, this research further consolidated into different district to demonstrated the risk level. Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung area are in the high risk category due to earthquake. For west area such as Haualien and Taitung is high risk districk because of typhoon.
As from empirical results, this research also suggests related administrations to enhance links between Taipei and Kaohsiung port and boost the disaster prevetion plan for east area in Taiwan in order to mitigate the loss due to typhoon.
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鄧家駒,民國94年,「 風險管理」,華泰文化事业股份有限公司。
宋明哲,蔡政憲,徐廷榕,民國91年,「 風險管理」, 國立空中大學。