


A Study of Relationships among Job Involvement , Organizational Justice, Job satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior—an Example of National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area, Ministry of Finance




工作投入 ; 組織公平 ; 工作滿意度 ; 組織承諾 ; 組織公民行為 ; job involvement ; organizational justice ; job satisfaction ; organizational commitment ; organizational citizenship behavior












政府推出「黃金十年 國家願景」之「效能躍升」施政主軸,期能使國家脫胎換骨邁向卓越,在人力精簡及提升服務品質之施政理念下,如何以有限人力落實政府為民服務措施,提升政府服務品質。因此本研究基於此動機與目的,來探討員工工作投入、組織公平、工作滿意度、組織承諾與組織公民行為間之關係。 本研究以財政部中區國稅局員工為研究對象,採問卷調查法,共發出200份問卷,回收192份,扣除漏答、全部填答同一答案之無效問卷後,有效問卷共182份,有效回收率達91%,信度Cronbach’sα係數皆達0.8以上,效度採專家效度。 以SPSS及AMOS統計軟體,採結構方程模型分析,得到以下結論:1.員工的工作投入對員工的工作滿意度產生正向顯著性影響。2.員工的工作投入對組織承諾產生正向顯著性影響。3.組織公平性對員工工作滿意度產生正向顯著性影響。4.組織公平性對員工的組織承諾產生正向顯著性影響。5.組織公平性對員工的組織公民行為產生正向顯著性影響。6.員工工作滿意度對員工的組織承諾產生正向顯著性影響。7.員工工作滿意度會對組織公民行為產生正向顯著性影響。8.員工的組織承諾會對組織公民行為產生正向顯著性影響。9.員工的工作投入透過工作滿意度的中介效果,影響組織公民行為。10.組織公平性透過員工工作滿意度的中介效果,影響組織公民行為。11.組織公平性透過員工組織承諾的中介效果,影響組織公民行為。12.不同背景變項之員工對工作投入有顯著差異。13. 不同背景變項之員工對組織公平有顯著差異。14.不同背景變項之員工對工作滿意度有顯著差異。15.不同背景變項之員工對組織承諾有顯著差異。16.不同背景變項之員工對組織公民行為有顯著差異。


The government has released the main policy structure, Golden Ten Years, the Aspiration of Taiwan, in order to expect the country to strive for excellence and reborn. With the human streamline and upgrade the quality of the policy, it would be important to implement the serving the public measures in limited human pipeline in order to elevate the quality of government’s service. As the reason mentioned, the study is based on this motivation and purpose, discussing the relationship between job involvement, organization justice, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. The target of this study is the staff of National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area, Ministry of Finance. Releasing the questionnaires was taken as the study way. 200 questionnaires were released and 192 questionnaires were returned. Deduct the invalid questionnaires of the situations that leaked answering and were filled with the option in all same answers, the study have received 182 valid questionnaires and reached 91% of effective returning rate. Reliability of Cronbach’s α has reached over 0.8. Validity took the expert validity. SPSS and AMOS were as the statistics software and it was analyzed with structural equation modeling, The study have the following results: 1.The positive significant impact of the job involvement toward job satisfaction of the staff. 2.The positive significant impact of the job involvement toward organizational commitment of the staff. 3.The positive significant impact of the organizational justice toward job satisfaction of the staff. 4.The positive significant impact of the organizational justice toward organizational commitment of the staff. 5.The positive significant impact of the organizational justice toward organizational citizenship behavior of the staff. 6.The positive significant impact of the job satisfaction toward organizational commitment of the staff. 7.The positive significant impact of the job satisfaction toward organizational citizenship behavior of the staff. 8.The positive significant impact of the organizational commitment toward organizational citizenship behavior of the staff. 9.The job involvement influences the organizational citizenship behavior by the mediation effect of job satisfaction. 10.Organizational justice influences the organizational citizenship behavior by the mediation effect of job satisfaction. 11.Organizational justice influences the organizational citizenship behavior by the mediation effect of organizational commitment. 12.The job involvement of the staff has statistically significant difference in different background variables. 13.The organizational justice of the staff has statistically significant difference in different background variables. 14.The job satisfaction of the staff has statistically significant difference in different background variables. 15.The organizational commitment of the staff has statistically significant difference in different background variables. 16.The organizational citizenship behavior of the staff has statistically significant difference in different background variables.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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