Research Purpose: Hospitals are important places in delivering health care for people in general. Nurses play an essential role in health care system, because they are responsible in providing patient care in clinical setting, and heavy work-load and stress are parts of their daily jobs. To understand work related stress and quality of life in senior nurses would be helpful in the development of nursing profession.
Research Methods: The research is a cross-sectional survey design, using self-reported questionnaires. Eligible participants were senior registered nurses who were recruited prior 2006/12/31, and data were collected between 2015/5/1 and 2015/5/31. A total of 188 questionnaires were distributed and 155 were returned. The questionnaire consists of four parts: (1) individual basic information, (2) health related habits and physiological conditions, (3) effort-reward imbalance (ERI), and (4) WHO quality of life brief (WHOQOL-BREF). IBM SPSS v12 was used for statistical analysis. The analytic methods include descriptive and bivariate analysis (i.e., correlation), and multivariate analysis (i.e., stepwise regression).
Research Results:
The range of participants’ age was between 29 and 49 years with mean age 36.1 and standard deviation (SD) 3.58 years. Majority (70.3%, n = 109) of the sample were married, 68.4% (n = 106) were Level Two Nurses (N2), and about one fourth were leader nurses (24.5%, n = 38). ERI model is used to measure one’s perceived effort and reward imbalance. The ratio of effort and reward (E/R ratio) larger than 1 represents high levels of work related stress. The average of E/R ratio was .80, with a SD .40. However, 21.9% of the sample reported E/R ratio > 1. Of the four dimension of the WHOQOL scale, the highest average score is in the physical health dimension with 13.83, and the lowest average score is in the psychological health dimension with 12.32.
Bivariate Analysis. According to correlation analysis, several variables are associated with ERI model and WHOQOL-BREF scales. Married status is negatively associated with effort and over-commitment dimension, while nursing level and drinking is positively associated with over-commitment. Married status is positively associated with various dimensions of quality of life, including physical health, psychological health, social relationships, environment, and overall. High education status is negatively associated with physical health, psychological health, environment, and overall quality of life. Being exercise regularly is positively associated with physical health and overall quality of life.
Multivariate analysis. Married status and exercise are two predictors significantly associated with ERI model. Similarly, married status, education level, and exercise regularly are predictors significantly associated with WHOQOL-BREF.
Conclusions and implications: Although nurses reported perceived imbalance work related stress, through family support and exercise might be helpful in stress management and quality of life improvement.
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