


A Cognitive Study on the Implmentation of Leisure Education Goals in a College Physical Education Curriculum




張孝銘(Hsiao-Ming Chang);周宏室(Hung-Shin Chou)


體育課程 ; 休閒教育 ; 課程實施 ; 認知 ; physical education curriculum ; leisure education ; implementation ; cognitive




5卷1期(2003 / 06 / 30)


1 - 10






The purpose of this study aimed to understand the situation and differences of implementation leisure education (LE) of physical education curriculum (PEC) in the teachers at the college. The research was designed to establish and confirm implementation goals of LE in PEC. This questionnaire was adopted from teachers in schools, random sampling method was adopted, and 527 effective questionnaires were collected. After statistics analysis the results were as follows: a. 90.5% agrees the LE can be adopted in the school, and 88% agrees the LE should be integrated into physical education curricula: b. The confirmatory analysis found that cognitive of LE model showed a goodness of fit. c. There was significant difference of sex, degree and service years on the cognitive of LE implementation goals. Based on the above finding, recommendation was given for education authorities and colleges to hold leisure education conference and lectures to improve cognition and comprehension of PE teachers in LE implementation goals. It is also suggested that future researchers should develop different model of leisure education through this research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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