


The Training Effect of Passive Repeatedly Plyometric Training Machine on Lower Limbs' Strength, Power of Chinese Taipei National Basketball Players'




李雲光(Yun-Kuang Lee);謝素貞(Su-Jean Shieh);東方介德(Chia-Der Dong Fang)


籃球 ; 被動反覆衝擊式肌力訓練 ; 最大腿肌力 ; 爆發力 ; basketball ; passive repeatedly plyometric training ; muscular strength ; power




6卷1期(2004 / 02 / 01)


235 - 243




本研究之目的主要在探討被動反覆衝擊式肌力增強器對中華男籃選手最大腿肌力及爆發力之影響。受試者為參加第十四屆韓國釜山亞運會之中華男籃選手14名,平均年齡21.53±3.67歲平均身高192.5±9.85公分,平均體重85.7±10.71公斤。受試者以被動反覆衝擊式肌力增強器進行五組課程如下:60R.P.M.,進行30秒,120R.P.M.進行15秒為一組。共接受為期六週,每週3次,共計18次之訓練後,以SPSS10.0 for Windows統計軟體進行相依樣本t考驗,比較訓練前、後最大腿肌力(深蹲、CMJ及SJ)、爆發力(CMJ、SJ、垂直跳、助跑單腳跳及助跑雙腳跳)之差異(α=.05)。結果如下:一、經「被動反覆衝擊式肌力增強儀器」訓練後中華男籃選手之最大腿肌力顯著進步。二、經「被動反覆衝擊式肌力增強儀器」訓練後中華男籃選手之爆發力顯著進步。


The purpose of this study was to examine the training effect of lower limbs' strength and power after utilizing the ”Passive Repeatedly Plyometric training machine”. Subjects were the members of Chinese Taipei National Basketball Team who participated in the 14th Asian Games. Their averaged age was 21.53±3.67 year. Their averaged heights and weights were 192.5±9.85 cm and 85.7±10.71kg respectively. Subjects were divided to receive five different types of training. Examples of the training prescription included exercising at 60 R.P.M. for 30 seconds and 120 R.P.M. for 15 seconds. The training program consisted of three sessions per week that lasted for six weeks. After completing the 18 sessions of training the repeated measure t-test (utilizing SPSS 10.0 software) was applied to detect significant differences (α=.05) on subjects' strength (squat, CMJ and SJ), power (CMJ and SJ, vertical jump, one-legged running jump and two-legged running jump) performance between pre-training and post-training. Significant improvements of players’ performance were found in the following tests after training with the ”Passive Repeatedly Plyometric training machine”: (1) maximum quadriceps strength, (2) power (various types of explosive movements).

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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