


Interpretation Training and Foreign Language Education




劉敏華(Minhua Liu)


口譯教學 ; 外語教學 ; 外語人才 ; Interpretation Training ; Foreign Language Education




7輯(2002 / 12 / 01)


323 - 339




口譯課近年來成為台灣大專院校外語教學中的熱門科目,然而大專口譯課程現存許多根本問題,是各院校未經規劃即順應一時風潮倉促開課的結果。這些根本問題包括:1) 開課必要性:無法配合台灣對外語人才之需求;2) 課程適切性:教學目標偏差,以及教學目標與教學內容脫軌;3) 教學效果:師資缺乏與學生能力不足造成效果不彰。本文首先引述相關研究印證上述問題之存在,再就大專口譯教學開課內容一一評悉其適切性,最後提出大專口譯課在整體外語教學中之定位,並建議合適的教學法。


Interpretation courses have become very popular in the foreign language curricula of Taiwanese undergraduate programs. However, a lack of careful curriculum planning and hasty implementation of interpretation courses have led to some basic problems, which include: 1) appropriateness of such courses to meet Taiwan’s foreign language needs; 2) a mismatch of course goals and course content; 3) a lack of qualified teachers and students’ general low language proficiency. Research studies are reviewed to first explain these problems. Current undergraduate interpretation Course contents are then analyzed for their appropriateness to the goals of foreign language education in Taiwan. Lastly, a possible teaching method for undergraduate interpretation courses is proposed to provide an appropriate position of interpretation training in Taiwan’s foreign language education.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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