


The Use of Moodle for Translation Instruction




廖柏森(Po-Sen Liao)


翻譯教學 ; 網路教學平台 ; 模組化物件導向動態學習環境 ; translation teaching ; web-based instruction platform ; Moodle Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment




11輯(2008 / 12 / 01)


163 - 186




國內的翻譯教學雖於過去幾十年來蓬勃發展,導致翻譯系所於短短十餘年間劇增,但現時國內的翻譯課在教學實務方法上仍呈顯質量不足的窘況,實有深化及創新之需要。因為翻譯由外語教學,分化成為一門專業科目尚為時不久,教師對翻譯教學的目標、方法、教材和評量方式都難以形成共識,其中最大的困難就是教學方法和學習資源不夠多元。而自廿世紀80年代以來,語言教學界各種教學法相繼推陳出新,其中以網絡教學(web-based instruction)的應用愈來愈是重視,可增進學生的課堂參與以及相互合作,以產生有意義的學習,相當符合社會建構學習理論(social constructivism)的精神。可惜國內的翻譯課仍缺乏利用數位教學媒介的實例,因此本文旨在探討大學翻譯課堂上使用網路教學的可能性。教師除在實體課堂授課之外,另外架設Moodle網路教學平台,置入班級網路課程,內容包括課程相關資料如課程進度、翻譯教材和講義、以及翻譯作業等。而網路教學平台上亦建置輔助翻譯的軟體如線上雙語字典、機器翻譯(machine translation,MT)、和語料庫(corpus)供筆譯課學生查詢使用。研究方法則採用參與觀察、訪談、文件分析等,以深入瞭解學生學習成效。本研究結果提出有別於傳統的另類翻譯教學模式,有助發展更有效能的翻譯教學方法。


The field of translation studies has developed into an academic discipline only in the second half of the twentieth century. Over the past decades the surge in studying translation has motivated colleges in Taiwan to set up more and more translation programs. However, research on translation instruction is still at an initial stage and has not been given the attention it needs. One possible reason is that translation has long been an element in foreign language courses without developing its own teaching criteria. Most translation programs so far still lack sound pedagogical criteria on how to approach the issues such as course design, teaching methods, materials, and assessment. Moreover, many translation teachers are fed up with the traditional routines of translation teaching and have called for a more creative and student-centered approach of instruction. From the perspective of the area of language teaching, a wide variety of teaching methods have been proposed since 1980s. Among them, web-based instruction has increasingly gathered importance in the language classroom. The use of the Internet and other computer technology can create a network education platform to promote student learning in a more interactive, collaborative, and meaningful manner, which is highly consistent with the teaching principles of social constructivism. But little research attention in Taiwan has been put specifically on how to teach translation through on-line materials and resources. Thus, this study is an attempt to develop a network education platform by the use of a course management system (CMS) like Moodle to design and implement a translation course at a university. All the teaching materials, translation exercises, assignments, tests, and other related resources are put on the website, including several effective translation tools such as on-line dictionaries, machine translation (MT), translation memory (TM), and translation corpus. All students in the study were encouraged to receive the on-line instruction to create a learning community, in addition to their attendance in the real classroom Data collection methods included the researcher's participant observation in the class, interviews with students, and analysis of students' translation works. It is hoped that the development of a web-based teaching platform as well as the findings from this study may contribute to a better use and understanding of this alternative translation teaching method.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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