Objectives: Obesity became not just the global concern but as the main factor for causing chronic diseases and cancers. The study is to be a health check of the data and investigate the correlation between level of obesity and health factors among college students, reminding the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) community concern for chronic diseases. Methods: This study used the cross-sectional questionnaire survey with the convenience sampling method. The study objects were the 191 students, which BMI 24, from the colleges at the Yilan County. The data were collected in questionnaire include personal information on obesity. The analysis parameters include frequency distribution, analytic percents, means, standard deviations, independent-sample t-test, crosstab Chi-square test, and variances. Results: There were 68.6% male (131 persons) and 31.4% female (60 persons) with an average age at 21.0 (SD=2.5) in this study. The indexes of obesity (waist measurement, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat percentage), Hemodynamics (systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure) were all significant difference from gender. Above all the indexes, the indexes of male were all higher than female, except the body fat percentage, which of female is higher than those of male. The waist measurement, waist-to-hip ratio, body fat percentage, hemodynamics and gender were all positive correlation from the level of obesity (overweight:24 ≦ BMI ≦ 26.9, mild- obesity:27 ≦ BMI ≦ 29.9, moderate obesity: 30 ≦ BMI ≦ 34.9, and severe obesity:BMI ≧ 35) with significant difference. Conclusions: The waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, body fat percentage, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure were all increased significantly while the level of obesity was increased. The male was all higher than female in the level of obesity that was consisted of overweight, mild obesity, moderate obesity and severe obesity.
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