


A Self-Assessment Study on Editing Competence from the Content-End of Digital Publishing by the Students Who Majored in Graphic Communications in Taiwan


徐明珠(Ming-Ju Hsu);賀秋白(Chiu-Pai Ho)


圖文傳播 ; 數位出版 ; 內容端 ; 學生能力(SCL) ; 產業所需能力(RCL) ; 自我評量 ; Digital Publishing ; Editing Competence ; Self-Assessment ; Content-End ; Graphic Communications ; Students' Competence Level (SCL) ; Required Competence Level (RCL)




98期(2016 / 04 / 01)


233 - 262




數位出版3.0變革,刻不容緩,開啟立了人才培育嶄新的時代。本研究置在探討大學圖文傳播相關系所學生數位出版內容端編輯能力(Student Competence Level, SCL)概況,以及其內容端編輯職能不符合業界所需能力(Required Competence Level, RCL)的職能缺口(competence gap),並對大學培育教位出版產業編輯人才提出建議。本研究運用的研究方法為文件資料分析法、專家會議2次、問卷調查,以及質性分析探討大學圖文傳播中相關系所學生數位出版內容端編輯能力。首先運用文件資料分析、專家會議,發展「數位出版產業編輯職能量表預試問卷」,經由預試並以統計檢定通過問卷信度考驗;再以正式問卷施測大學圖文傳播相關系所學生,瞭解大學圖文傳播相關系所學生數位出版內容端編輯能力概況。64項內容端(含基本)職能,以整體平均數作為RCL,其值為3.28,高於RCL的滿意職能為38項,低於RCL的不滿意職能為26項。本研究針對SCL編輯職能不符合業界所需的26項職能缺口,研提以下建議:基本知識需加強瞭解XML標記語言等、基本技術需加強製作EPUB檔案等;選題企劃需加強制定出版計畫等、選輯素材需加強出版品計畫大綱製作等、審查稿件需加強依照出版要求對內容做篩選等、排版設計需加強考慮使用者閱讀動線而設計UI使用者介面等、校對樣稿需加強瞭解校對的程序與制度等。最後,針對學校、產業、政府以及未來研究提出數位出版產業編輯人才培育之多項建議。


In order to meet the urgent transformation of Digital Publishing 3.0, improving the quality of talent cultivation is an imperative task which cannot afford any delays. The aims of the research were to explore the status of the Students' Competence Level (SCL) on editing competences from the Content-End angle of Digital Publishing; measure the 〞Competence Gap〞 existed between the digital publishing industry's Required Competency Level (RCL) and Students' Competence Level and offer suggestions and recommendations to colleges and universities in Taiwan on talent cultivations for editors, designers and other digital publishing related personnel. A mixed-methods approach was adopted to collate and synthesize data from multiple sources. This research used Documentary Methods, Expert Meetings, Questionnaire Survey, as well as Qualitative Analysis to evaluate the Content-End editing competences of students who majored in Graphic Communications in Taiwan. First of all, Documentary Methods and Expert Meetings were conducted to develop a draft of 〞Questionnaire in Measuring the Editing Competences for Digital Publishing Industry〞; the drafted questionnaire went through a pre-test and statistical validity examination before the formal Questionnaire was implemented in conducting a survey on the students who majored in Graphic Communications. A total of 64 Content-End (including Fundamentals) competence indicators were evaluated, the overall mean RCL, or population mean (mu) was 3.28. A total of 38 competence indicators were higher than the mean value (satisfactory) while 26 competence indicators below the mean value (unsatisfactory), respectively. These 26 unsatisfactory competence indicators revealed a significant Competence Gap between the SCL and RCL that required remedies urgently. This study thus made the following recommendations: I). Fundamental Knowledge: needed to strengthen the understanding of XML markup language, etc. 2). Fundamental Technologies: needed to strengthen the production capabilities of the EPUB3 file, etc. 3). Commissioning and Acquisitions: needed to improve the capacity to formulate plans of publishing, etc. 4). Developing Digital Contents : needed to improve the capacity of the outline plan making of the publications, etc. 5). Copy Editing: needed to strengthen the capacity in accordance with the publication requirements for the screening of content, etc. 6). Design Digital Contents: needed to improve the ability to consider the user read moving line to design the user interface UI, etc. 7). Proofreading: needed to strengthen the capacity to understand the procedures and systems of proofreading, etc . Finally, a number of results in talent cultivations for digital publishing editors were recommended to colleges, universities and related government agencies in Taiwan as a guideline for improvement as well as a basis for future research studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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