


Using a Reading Comprehensive Strategies Program to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skills of Students with Low Reading Comprehension




吳訓生(Shiunn-Sheng Wu)




15期(2001 / 09 / 01)


177 - 215




本研究旨在依據國小五年級學生閱讀中文材料時使用閱讀理解策略的狀況,來設計閱讀理解策略的教學方案,並檢視此閱讀理解策略之教學方案是否能有效的提昇同年級之低閱讀理解能力學生的閱讀理解能力。研究者運用「跨受試之多基凖線實驗設計」來安排整個教學實驗的程序,參與實驗教學的受試共有四位,其中一位為對照受試只參與評量不參與實際的教學。教學者是由研究者本身來擔任;教學的地點是借用受試者就讀之學校的測驗室;教學的時間是運用早自習的時段,每週教學四個節次每個節次為六十分鐘,總計實施五十二個節次。研究者運用單一受試實驗設計之視覺分析、各時期之平均答對率的比較、以及簡化之時間系列的統計分析等方法來分析本閱讀理解策略教學方案的處理效果。整個研究的研究結果如下: 1.三位低閱讀理解能力受試經過本閱讀理解策略教學方案之教學處理後,在閱讀理解測驗的表現趨勢(trend)方面都往上爬昇;表現的水平(level)也都往上昇高,平均水平變化值為+18.36%。此結果顯示本研究之閱讀理解策略教學方案可提昇低閱讀理解能力學生之閱讀理解能力。 2.受試者在處理期後半段與保留期等兩個時期間之表現趨勢的起伏變化都不大;兩個時期之間的表現水平變化值也都很小(1.9%~2.86%),而水平的重疊比率則很高(85.71~100%)。這顯示教學處理效果能維持到保留階段,亦即,本研究之閱讀理解策略教學方案的教學處理具有保留效果。 3.隨著教學實驗的持續進行,參與教學的受試在社會科理解測驗上的表現有往上爬昇的趨勢。這表示本研究之閱讀理解策略教學方案的教學處理效果能類化到社會科之閱讀材料。 4.受試者表示喜歡本閱讀理解策略教學方案的教學活動,也認為這個教學方案對自己有幫助;受試者之任課老師認為教學效果尚未能對學生在平時課堂中的學習表現産生顯著的影響。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of a reading comprehension strategies program to improve the reading comprehension skills of children with low comprehension. Four fifth-grade students with low reading comprehension participated in the study. There are little difference in the four students' IQ, word recognition skills, and reading comprehension skills. A single-subject experimental design of multiple baseline across individuals was used to examine the results. Data collected during the study were analyzed by visual inspection techniques and Tryon's C statistic. The results were as follows: 1. There were significant effects of instruction in the use of the reading comprehension strategies program. 2. All the students maintained the comprehensive skills which they had learned during the intervention sessions after two weeks. 3. All the students generalized their comprehensive skills to the social study test. 4. Most of the students and their teachers indicated that the reading comprehension strategies program were very useful in enhancing the learning of school subjects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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