The purpose of this study was, firstly, to investigate personality traits, stress adaptation, and related factors of gifted students in junior high school. Secondly, it was to analyze the difference in stress adaptation between personality types and background variables and make predictions as well. The instruments were self-developed ”Stress Adaptation of Junior High School Students Scale” and ”Lai Personality Scale” to collect data filled in by gifted students in Taiwan. All of the collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, MANOVA, ANOVA, factor analysis, Pearson correlation, canonical correlation and stepwise regression.
The results were found as following:
1. The gifted students' personality traits were mainly type C and type D (positive) and secondly type B and type E (negative). The main stressor of gifted students was ”schoolwork” and then ”self-expectation.” The way most frequently used to cope with stress by gifted students was ”rational coping” and then ”emotional calm.”
2. According to the results, gifted students with positive personality traits had lower stress perception and often used positive coping, while gifted students with negative personality traits had higher stress perception and often used negative coping.
3. By analyzing the difference in stress adaptation between personality types and background variables, personality types, grade, class type, and region of one-way MANOVA analyses had a main effect on stress perception. Moreover, personality types, gender, class type, and region of one-way MANOVA analyses had a main effect on stress coping.
4. By analyzing the difference in stress coping between stress perception and background variables, two-way ANOVA analysis showed that there was an interaction between placement of elementary school and family socioeconomic status. Furthermore, stress perception, grade, gender class type, and region of one-way MANOVA analyses had a main effect on stress coping.
5. Stress perception was significantly correlated with stress coping. Gifted students with lower stress perception often adopted positive stress coping, while gifted students with higher stress perception often adopted negative stress coping.
6. Based on personality types, grade, gender, class type, region, and placement of elementary school, the stress adaptation of gifted students was predictable.
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