This research examined the needs and supply side conditions of transition services and factors affecting these transition services for senior vocational-high-school students with disabilities in Taiwan. A survey through stratified clustered sampling with 899 youth with disabilities was conducted by the Transition Services Inventory in four regions of Taiwan: north, center, south, and east. Data were then analyzed through frequency, mean, standard deviation, one way analysis of variance, and stepwise multiple regression. The results indicated that transition service to post secondary school was the highest needs for youth with disabilities, whereas medical transition service was the lowest service supplied by the secondary school. The students' gender, grade level, severity of disabilities, and residential area correlated with these students' needs and supply side of transition services. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that students with mild disabilities or their parents with higher socioeconomic status tended to have better transition services than those with moderate or severe disabilities, or from households of lower socioeconomic status. Female students with disabilities were more likely to expressed concern and needs on the college preparatory transition service and psychological transition service. There were also significant mean differences on the performance of needs and supply side transition services by categories of disabilities and residential areas for these students with disabilities. Recommendations are offered concerning the implications of these findings for school policy, transition practices, and further research.
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