


The Study of Parents Advocating Self-Determination for Their Children with Intellectual Disability in Senior-High Special Education Schools




鄭淳智(Chun-Chih Cheng);林惠芬(Hui-Fen Lin)


自我決策 ; 家長 ; 智能障礙 ; self-determination ; parents ; intellectual disability




28期(2008 / 12 / 01)


155 - 190






The purpose of this research was to investigate parents' attitudes toward advocating self-determination for their children with intellectual disability in senior-high special education schools. A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and 276 parents participated in this study. Data were analyzed through frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one way analysis of variance. The major findings were as follows: (1) Most of the parents had positive perceptions of advocating self-determination for their children with intellectual disability. Among the four domains of self-determination in this study, the most positive attitude that parents had is the ”psychological empowerment”, while the least is ”autonomy.” (2) In terms of children's backgrounds, variables such as gender, grade level, severity of intellectual disability and numbers of children are the influencing factors for parental attitudes advocating self-determination for their children. As for parental background, the influencing factors are social-economic status, fostering ways, religions, living regions, participation of parent's association, and familiarity of self-determination. According to the findings and conclusions, some suggestions were offered for future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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