


Unfolding the Personal Perspectives of an Elementary School Student with High Functioning Autism




陳玫君(Mei-Chun Chen);何美慧(Mei-Hwei Ho)


當事人觀點 ; 高功能自閉症 ; personal perspectives ; high functioning autism




28期(2008 / 12 / 01)


27 - 56






The study is an action research. The participant was an elementary student with high functioning autism. At the time the study was initiated, he was in the 3(superscript rd) grade and enrolled in the first author's class-a regular class. Since the student had problems with assertiveness, this study aimed to improve his ability of expressing his own personal perspectives. Three indices were used for the expression of personal perspectives: expressing his own ideas, making choices for himself, and putting into practice with his agreement. The study included three stages: (1) Exploring the student participant's problems in expressing his own personal perspective. (2) Developing and implementing an intervention program. (3) Refining and reporting the research data. The intervention program had been carried out from the second semester of the student's third grade year to the first semester of his fourth grade year. It contained three essential lessons: naming and knowing how to express oneself, looking at others-reflecting on oneself, and cleaning chores. Two findings were revealed from the study. First, the student's ability of expressing his own perspectives was improved via the intervention program. Secondly, the improvement on the ability of expressing personal perspectives had further facilitated the student's self-learning and meaningful communication.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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