


A Research through Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis Results of Gifted Students with Disabilities




鄒小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Tsou);盧台華(Tai-Hwa Lu)


身心障礙資優生 ; 優弱勢分析 ; gifted students with disabilities ; strengths and weaknesses analysis




33期(2011 / 06 / 01)


57 - 92






This research was to investigate and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of gifted students with disabilities. There were nine subjects from 1st to 6th grade elementary school students, including gifted students with AS, HFA, ADHD, and LD. Data collected through standardized tests, questionnaire, check with non-standardized interview, and document analysis of multiple strategies in order to understand the strengths of gifted students with disabilities and disadvantaged potential difficulties. The main findings were outlined below:1. This research applied the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (4th ed.) to all subjects, and all students scored low on Processing Speed Index as a result.2. All students' Torrance Creativity Test full scores were low.3. There were over or underestimate the abilities according to the self-assessment of multiple intelligence scale performance differences.4. The results of all students’ Behavior and Emotional Assessment by parents, were different, but the interpersonal subscales were common weak.5. Parents were more aware of the weakness than the strength of all students' academic subjects in school performance superior.6. This research consolidated material of seven aspects from various sources and multiple scale assessments covering. By using this information, the researcher were able to effectively analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the subjects. The different types of gifted students with disabilities advantage of strengths and weaknesses have similarities and differences. The strengths were rich of vocabulary and common sense, love to read, good memory, graphic design, and reasoning. The weaknesses were processing speed, poor writing, lacking of creative skills, easy to give up, and poor social interaction and emotional management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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