


A Survey for Multiple Interventions of Elementary and Secondary School Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders




陳志平(Chih-Ping Chen);周台傑(Tair-Jye Chou);孟瑛如(Ying-Ru Meng)


情緒行為障礙 ; 多元介入 ; 鑑定安置 ; 多重模式治療 ; Emotional and behavioral disorders ; Multiple interventions ; Identification and placement ; Multimodal therapy




34期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 32






This study explored the multiple interventions for elementary and secondary students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). A quantitative questionnaire was adopted and 398 out of 492 efficient questionnaires were received, from which 153 teachers were withdrawn as reference group. The results were as follows: First, the demographic information about teachers and students with EBD: (1) most teachers were female, general, and special education teachers; (2) there was a shortage of guidance teachers, but it was better in secondary schools; (3) most teachers were younger and had fewer years of teaching experience; (4) teachers' professional trainings in special education was more than guidance competence; (5) more students with EBD were placed in large schools; (6) male attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) students were identified early, but intervened late; (7) the risk factors for students with EBD were academic and behavioral problems; (8) The use of multiple interventions in schools were insufficient. Second, the multiple interventions of teaching elementary and secondary students with EBD: (1) identification and placement (IDP) and multimodal therapy (MMT) were better, but educational outcomes (EOs) were intermediate; (2) It was hard to improve high levels of behavior and study problems; (3) there were relationships between high ratio of guidance teachers and the improvement of the behavior problems of students with EBD. Third, the differences of multiple interventions: (1) IDP varied based on most of teacher variables; (2) teachers' gender, education, categories, guidance background, and school size affected MMT significantly; (3) teachers' seniority and school areas affected EOs significantly; (4) IDP varied based on most of student variables; (5) main problems of student and guidance resources affected MMT significantly; (6) students with EBD proofs, main problems of students, and guidance resources affected EOs significantly. Forth, interpersonal relationships can most efficiently predict EOs, cognition and imagery can also predict according to different ratio of guidance teachers. Finally, some educational applications, guidance, and the directions for further research are referred based on the findings and the limitations of this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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