幼兒園教保活動課程大綱(2017 年8 月1日)。
Cabell, S. Q.,Justice, L. M.,Kaderavek, J. N.(2008).Emergent literacy: Lessons for success.San Diego, CA:Plural Publishing.
Chang, C. J.,Luo, Y. H.,Wu, R.(2016).Origins of print concepts at home: Print referencing during joint book-reading interactions in taiwanese mothers and children.Early Education and Development,27(1),54-73.
Dynia, J. M.,Lawton, K.,Logan, J. A.,Justice, L. M.(2014).Comparing emergent-literacy skills and home-literacy environment of children with autism and their peers.Topics in Early Childhood Special Education,34(3),142-153.
Ezell, H. K.,Justice, L. M.(2000).Increasing the print focus of adult-child shared book reading through observational learning.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,9(1),36-47.
Gettinger, M.,Stoiber, K. C.(2014).Increasing opportunities to respond to print during storybook reading: Effects of evocative print-referencing techniques.Early Childhood Research Quarterly,29(3),283-297.
Justice, L. M.(2006).Emergent literacy: Development, domains, and intervention approaches.Clinical Approaches to Emergent Literacy Intervention,1,1-27.
Justice, L. M.,Bowles, R. P.,Skibbe, L. E.(2006).Measuring preschool attainment of print-concept knowledge: A study of typical and at-risk 3-to 5-year-old children using item response theory.Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools,37(3),224-235.
Justice, L. M.,Ezell, H. K.(2000).Enhancing children's print and word awareness through home-based parent intervention.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,9(3),257-269.
Justice, L. M.,Ezell, H. K.(2002).use of storybook reading to increase print awareness in at-risk children.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,11(1),17.
Justice, L. M.,Ezell, H. K.(2004).Print Referencing: An emergent literacy enhancement strategy and its clinical applications.Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools,35(2),185-193.
Justice, L. M.,Ezell, H. K.(2001).Word and print awareness in 4-year-old children.Child Language Teaching and Therapy,17(3),207-225.
Justice, L. M.,Kaderavek, J.(2002).Using shared storybook reading to promote emergent literacy.Teaching Exceptional Children,34(4),8.
Justice, L. M.,Kaderavek, J. N.,Fan, X.,Sofka, A.,Hunt, A.(2009).Accelerating preschoolers' early literacy development through classroom-based teacher-child storybook reading and explicit print referencing.Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools,40(1),67-85.
Justice, L. M.,Sofka, A. E.,McGinty, A.(2007).Targets, techniques, and treatment contexts in emergent literacy intervention.Seminars in Speech and Language,28(1),14-24.
Justice, L. M.,Weber, S. E.,Ezell, H. K.,Bakeman, R.(2002).A sequential analysis of children's responsiveness to parental print references during shared book-reading interactions.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,11(1),30-40.
Lanter, E.,Watson, L. R.,Erickson, K. A.,Freeman, D.(2012).Emergent literacy in children with autism: An exploration of developmental and contextual dynamic processes.Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools,43(3),308-324.
Lovelace, S.,Stewart, S. R.(2007).Increasing print awareness in preschoolers with language impairment using non-evocative print referencing.Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools,38(1),16-30.
McGinty, A. S.,Justice, L. M.(2009).Predictors of print knowledge in children with specific language impairment: Experiential and developmental factors.Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,52(1),81-97.
Miller, J.,Iglesias, A.(2012).Miller, J., & Iglesias, A. (2012). System Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT), Instructional Version 2012 [Computer Software]. Middleton, WI: SALT Software, LLC..
Owocki, G.,Goodman, Y. M.(2002).Kidwatching: Documenting children's literacy development.Portsmouth, NH:Heinemann.
Paul, R.,Norbury, C. F.(2011).Language disorders from infancy through adolescence: Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating.St. Louis, MO:Mosby/Missouri.
Pullen, P. C.,Justice, L. M.(2003).Enhancing phonological awareness, print awareness, and oral language skills in preschool children.Intervention in School & Clinic,39(2),87-98.
Puranik, C. S.,Lonigan, C. J.(2012).Early writing deficits in preschoolers with oral language difficulties.Journal of Learning Disabilities,45(2),179-190.
Rhyner, P. M.(2009).Emergent literacy and language development: Promoting learning in early childhood.New York, NY:The Guilford Press.
Ricci, L.(2011).Home literacy environments, interest in reading and emergent literacy skills of children with Down syndrome versus typical children.Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,55(6),596-609.
Snow, C. E.,Burns, M. S.,Griffin, P.(1998).Preventing reading difficulties in young children.Washington, DC:National Academies Press.
Van Kleeck, A.(Ed.),Justice, L.(Ed.)(2006).Sharing books and stories to promote language and literacy.San Diego, CA:Plural Publishing, Inc.
Whitehurst, G. J.,Lonigan, C. J.(1998).Child Development and Emergent Literacy.Child Development,69(3),848-872.
Zucker, T. A.,Justice, L. M.,Piasta, S. B.(2009).Prekindergarten teachers' verbal references to print during classroom-based, large-group shared reading.Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools,40(4),376-392.
柯華葳譯、游雅婷譯、Burns, M. S.、Griffin, P.、Snow, C. E.(2001)。踏出閱讀的第一步。臺北市:信誼。
陳淑琴譯、Schickedanz, J. A.(2005)。遠遠多於ABC:談早期讀寫的萌發。臺北:信誼。