


The Research of the Effect of Collective Efficacy on Community Residents' Fear of Crime




翁國峰(Guo-Fong Weng)


集體效能 ; 犯罪恐懼 ; 生活品質 ; 被害經驗 ; collective efficacy ; fear of crime ; life quality ; victimized experiences




10卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


115 - 143




近十年來在犯罪學領域以集體效能爲主軸概念,探討與社區犯罪率、失序、治安等關聯的文獻有愈來愈多趨勢。然而集體效能的效果,在各項研究中並不一致。例如集體效能對於犯罪恐懼的影響,即有直接、間接效果的爭議。本文迥異於一般集體效能研究,不以西方而是以東方社區爲標的,使用中央研究院社會所第四期第二次台灣社會變遷調查資本作爲分析樣本,首次分析華人地區的集體效能現象。分析結果發現個人對集體效能感知與犯罪恐懼有直接與顯著的影響,但是「有較高集體效能知覺的社區居民,其被害恐懼亦較高」,此結果與國外學者例如,Gibson, Ghao and Lovrich (2002)等之研究結論恰好相反。筆者認爲對於犯罪 恐懼的表達上,東西方在文化認知與情感經驗傳達模式的差異,是值得深入思索的課題。 除了集體效能之外,本文也分別以性別、年齡、治安知覺、生活品質變遷與被害經驗等變項,作爲預測社區居民犯罪被害恐懼知覺因子,多數結果均符合理論與原先之研究假設預期,並印證台灣社區居民之被害恐懼影響,代理經驗成份高於個人主觀認知。


In the recent decade in the criminology domain take the collective efficacy as the key concept, discussions on the community crime rate, social disorder and security related articles are getting more popular. However, the effects on the collective efficacy vary in the researches done. Such as the debates on whether collective potency has direct or indirect influence on the fear of crime. This research differs from regular research norm on collective efficacy. Citing the academic sinica's 4th Issue on 2nd Taiwan Societal Change Investigation as the analysis sample, it reveals the collective efficacy effects in the chinese community. Analysis results reveal the direct and noticeable effects on collective efficacy perception and fear of crime on an individual. However, those communities with higher collective efficacy perception has also a higher rate of fear of being harm. This research conclusion is different from foreign researchers such as Gibson, Ghao and Lovrich (2002). The author believes that in the expression on fear of crime, differences on cultural cognition of the East and West and communication of emotional experiences, is to be taken into serious consideration as well. Besides collective efficacy, this research also distinguishes categories on sex, age and security perception, life quality changes and victimized experiences. So as to forecast the causual perception on community civilians of being victimized, most results are accord with the theories and prior research expectations. Proofing the phobic effects of Taiwanese communities, the proxy experiences are higher than individual subjective cognition.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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