


The Effects of Gender Equity Education Curriculum on Sex Role Attitude, Self-concept, and Achievement Motives of the Elementary School Students




蔡文山(Wen-san Tsai)


兩性平等教育課程 ; 性別角色態度 ; 自我概念 ; 成就動機 ; the gender equity education curriculum ; sex role attitude ; self-concept ; achievement motives




9期(2001 / 12 / 01)


173 - 201






This study compiled a set of gender equity education curriculum, which was designed based on related literature and was suitable for the elementary school third-grade students, and then engaged in instruction. The main purpose of the study was to determine whether the gender equity education curriculum had immediate and continuous effects on sex role attitude, self-concept, and achievement motives of the students. In addition, the study examined whether the instructional effects differed for the students with different sex and family social economic status. The study used cluster sampling by purposive to select 141 students. Subjects attended the gender equity education curriculum for two mouths. The data were analyzed by three-factor analysis of convariance. The results of the study of the gender equity education curriculum for the elementary school students had immediate and continuous effects on reducing sex role attitude、self-concept, promoting positive self-concept and achievement motives. The implications of these results for school educator and for future researcher are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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