


A Case Study of Cognitive Behavior Approach to Bibliotherapy for Improving Child's Prosocial Behavior




黃蕙君(Hui-Chun Huang)


讀書治療 ; 利社會行為 ; 個案研究 ; Bibliotherapy ; prosocial behavior ; case study




14期(2006 / 06 / 01)


77 - 92




本研究的主要目的在探討低利社會行為兒童接受認知行為取向讀書治療的過程後,其利社會行為的改變情形。 研究採用個案研究法與參與觀察法,以台南市忠義國小一位低利社會行為的四年級女生為研究對象。進行認知行為取向讀書治療前,先施以「利社會行為調查表」之前測與導師的訪談,在進行二十次,每次40分鐘的讀書治療。進行期間以錄音紀錄輔導歷程。認知行為取向讀書治療結束後,再進行「利社會行為調查表」之後測與追蹤測驗,並輔以同儕、媽媽、義工媽媽的訪談,以了解個案利社會行為的改變情形。在研究過程中,研究者以參與觀察、訪談並輔以文件分析等方式蒐集資料,就所蒐集資料進行整理、歸納與分析,本研究之主要發現如下: 一、在幫助行為方面:個案的幫助行為次數增加,同學、老師都能感覺個案的改變。 二、在分享行為方面:個案會帶餅乾、零食請同學吃,也會將蛋糕、果凍跟同學一起分享。 三、在照顧行為方面:在學校的很少有照顧的機會,因此研究者並未發現個案的照顧行為,但是在家庭生活中,個案會照顧姪子、媽媽、受傷的小鳥、植物等。 四、在安慰行為方面:原本個案就會安慰別人,經由輔導後,個案的安慰行為表現次數更多,也比較主動。 五、在給予行為方面:個案在「給予」的行為進步最多。輔導前,個案很少送東西給別人,經由故事人物與研究者的示範,個案已經會送東西給別人。 六、在合作行為方面:輔導前,經由利社會行為同儕提名發現,大多數的同學都不願意跟個案合作,輔導後,有同學願意主動跟個案一組。合作時,個案發脾氣的次數減少,也較願意提供東西給同一組的人使用。 本研究根據上述結果提出對兒童利社會行為的輔導及未來的建議,以供相關工作或研究者參考。


The major puepose of this study was to explore the low-prosocial behavior child accept the process of Cognitive-behavior approach of Bibliotherapy,and the change of her low-prosocial behavior. This study adopted case study method and participant observation method. The study subject is an 4th grade girl who was low-prosocial behavior at Chung-Yih Elementary School in Tainan. Before 20-sessions Cognitive-behavior approach of Bibliotherapy,40 minutes for each session, was intervened with the subject the pretest of ”Prosocial Behavior Questionnaire” and teacher's interview. During the process of each session was recorded。After the termination of Cognitive-behavior approach of Bibliotherapy, then gives the subject posttest and tracing test of ”Prosocial Behavior Scale”, then interview with classmates, her mother and voluntary parents, to know the change of prosocial behavior of the subject. Qualitative approaches with participant observation, interviews, and document analyses were employed to collect data. The main findings of this study were as follow. 1. Help: subject's helping behavior increased, her classmates and teacher could feel the change of the subject. 2. Share: subject would bring cookies、snakes to treat her classmates, also shared the cake、jelly with her classmates. 3. Care: there was little opportunity of caring in school, so researcher didn't discover the caring behavior of subject. But the life of the family, subject would take care of her nephew、mother、the hurtful bird and plants. 4. Comfort: subject original would comfort people, after Counseling, subject's performance of comfortable behavior had increased, and more active. 5. To give: the most improvement behavior is giving, before counseling, subject gave objects to others very less, though the demonstration of characters in stories and researcher, subject was willing to give objects to others. 6. Cooperation: before counseling, by the peer assessment of prosocial behaviors, most classmates would't cooperate with subject. After counseling, some classmates would cooperate with subject active, when they cooperated, subject control her temper, and would also provide objects to share with partners. Based on the result above, suggestion for counseling with prosocial behavior children as well as further study in the further were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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