


A Study in the Context and the Aesthetics of Interactive Art




林大維(Da-Wei Lin);吳佩樺(Pei-Hua Wu)


互動藝術 ; 互動美學 ; 跨領域 ; 多向度體驗 ; 讓人玩味 ; context of interactive art ; esthetics of interactive art ; interdisciplinary ; multi-dimensional experience ; unforgettable




87期(2010 / 10 / 01)


31 - 54






Due to the advance of digital technology, the digital esthetics has strong impact on art creation and declares the arrival of new visual era of interactive art. Interactive art has changed the form of expression of digital art and aesthetics. This research aims at finding the context and the aesthetics of interactive art. Therefore, the key role of interactive art will be played in the future life can be positioned. Through the exploration of the genre and attribute of interactive art finds that interactive artists employ integrated equipments and conceptual ideas to demonstrate artists' intentions. Audiences can communicate with interactive art by game-like and multi-dimensional experience. In the respect of aesthetics, interactive art has the interdisciplinary and non-liner story telling character. These can create virtual contexts with 「flexible」, 「communicational」, and 「collaborative」 aesthetic logics. Constant advance of digital science and technology has increased the artist difficulty in science and technology art creation. However, artists' ideas are much more important than technology. To avoid the art work as a superficial game, interactive art has been integrating interdisciplinary knowledge. Artists need to abstract cultural elements and to learn new technology while they are creating unforgettable art works. Furthermore, how to demonstrate artists' ideas by new science and technology with more friendly and multi-dimensional experience will be the key issue in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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