


Rethinking Multicultural Social Work Education






多元文化社會工作 ; 文化能力 ; 社會工作教育 ; multicultural social work ; cultural competence ; social work education




10期(2012 / 07 / 01)


97+99 - 118




全球化使不同文化的接觸日益頻繁,透過人口的移動與不同族群的互動,早已打破國與國有限的疆界。多元族群與多元文化,是現今許多國家人口組成的情形。跨文化的涵義包括所有個人的不同點,如個別的族群、文化或國籍屬性、性別和性傾向、年齡、健康狀況和宗教信仰等等。為此,跨文化覺知方案(the cross-cultural awareness program)及社會工作專業人員提供多元文化訓練,遂成當今因應移民社會所推展的重要工作,可見提升專業人員之文化能力非常重要。作者於2009年完成受內政部移民署委託研究大陸及外籍配偶身處於弱勢家庭,其生活現況、接受服務處遇及權益需求之研究。研究發現大陸及外籍配偶認為需要提升多元文化能力,並且受訪者對於相關專業人員文化能力的期待甚深。本文以身為社工教育者對於如何創造學生聯結接觸多元文化的機會,以實習督導經驗深入說明學生在異國文化實習經驗,透過境外實習與督導經驗的田野筆記,反思作者在社會工作教育現場的實踐經驗;輔以整理96-98學年度國內社會工作相關科系開課情形的網路資訊;期待本文可以提供社會工作教育參考。


Globalization has increased cultural connection. With population movement and the interaction between ethnic groups, the boundary between countries has long been broken. Today, many countries have multi-ethnic and multi-cultural population. Cross-culture includes all the differences of an individual, such as his ethnic group, culture, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, health condition, religion, and etc. Hence, the Cross-Cultural Awareness Programme and the multicultural training provided by the professional social workers have become important tasks due to the diverse society. It thus shows that improving the cultural competence of the professionals is important.In 2009, the author has completed a research entrusted by the National Immigration Agency to study on ”Living Conditions and Service Intervention of the Vulnerable Women Who are in cross-border marriage”. The research shows that those women from disadvantaged families feel that there is a need to raise multicultural awareness, and the interviewees also expect high cultural competence from the professionals involved. This article are rethinking to current multicultural social work education; the reflection of the social work educator on the social work education; and the practice on how multicultural social work education can be connected. Hope this article can be a reference for the multicultural social work education in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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