


Understanding Professional Collaboration with Social Workers at the Centers for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Counseling Psychologists' Perspectives


游以安(Yi-An Yu);姜兆眉(Chao-Mei Chiang)


社會工作 ; 諮商心理師 ; 跨專業合作 ; 家庭暴力防治 ; Social work ; Counseling psychologist ; Professional collaboration ; Prevention of domestic violence




23期(2020 / 09 / 01)


109+111 - 159






The research aimed to investigate professional collaboration between social workers and counseling psychologists at the Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CPDVSA) from counseling psychologists' perspectives. Eight experienced counseling psychologists, who have been working at CPDVSA, were recruited and received semi-structured in-depth interviews. The interviews were conducted to understand counseling psychologists' observation and professional collaboration experiences with social workers at CPDVSA. The research findings include the following five themes: 1. The reasons for counseling psychologists working in CPDVSA for many years include the commitment of working with minorities and recommendations from social workers, 2. The way that counseling psychologists collaborate with social workers in CPDVSA includes active interchanging information and only focusing on their professional area, 3. Interaction between counseling psychologists and social workers during professional collaboration, 4. Counseling psychologists' observations of social workers during the collaboration process, and 5. Expectations for professional collaboration. It is hoping that the findings facilitate the dialogue, reflection, and discussion between the profession of social work and counseling. Recommendations and implications for social work practices, education, and future research were presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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