隨著網路社群爆炸性發展,網路社群媒體在現今已成為品牌溝通的重要平台,因此本研究欲探討運動品牌如何透過臉書粉絲團上的訊息發布產生行銷效益。研究目的:本研究旨在分析Nike Basketball Taiwan上HBL相關訊息內容產生的效益,與不同訊息內容分別獲得的粉絲回應數,及其在時間軸上的變化。研究方法:採用內容分析法探討Nike Basketball Taiwan臉書粉絲專頁,101學年度HBL相關訊息,並以「球員」、「球隊」、「賽事」、「產品」及「活動」等五類編碼,編碼員共三位,信度檢測採用兩兩相互同意度。研究結果:1. 48則訊息共獲「讚」65,140次、留言755則、分享2,815次之效益。2. 粉絲回應數皆以「賽事」最高,共26,828次讚、351則留言、1,049次分享;「球員」有7,398次讚、65則留言、321次分享;「球隊」有16,328次讚、155則留言、932次分享;「產品」有11,005次讚、94則留言、302次分享;「活動」有6,032次讚、104則留言、262次分享。3. 粉絲回應數隨賽事進行呈上升趨勢。結論:大部分消費者對賽事相關的訊息感到興趣,並且隨著比賽進行而提高回應次數,根據Facebook分析網站的資料顯示Nike Basketball Taiwan利用這些訊息內容產生有效的網路行銷效益,並藉以傳遞品牌訊息。
Purpose: to understand the posters which are related to HBL on the official Facebook fan page of Nike Basketball Taiwan, and to analyze the consumer feedback of these contents , including "Like", comment and share. Method: every poster about 2012 academic year HBL on Nike Basketball Taiwan would be studied through content analysis. There are five categories of coding, which are "athlete", "team", "competition", "product", and "event". Results: First, during the four months of HBL season, there were 48 posters which totally got 65,140 "Like", 755 comments and 2,815 shares. Second, the contents about competition had the most consumer feedback; no matter "Like", comment or share. Third, the consumer feedback was followed by the competition, and it went to the top in Finals. Conclusion: consumers were mostly interested in these contents about competition, and the quantities of their feedback would go up with tournament running. According to the data from Facebook analysis website, Nike Basketball Taiwan obviously did a good job on using these contents to produce wonderful marketing effect online and to promote the brand at the same time. Therefore, the successful operation of network community did catch consumers' attention and simulate them to engage more.