


The impact of sport interest on self-efficacy and learning outcomes in tennis course






大學體育 ; 技能學習 ; 網球評量 ; College sports ; skill learning ; tennis evaluation




50卷1期(2018 / 04 / 01)


49 - 64




目的:本研究為探討網球課程學生的不同運動興趣高低對自我效能及學習成效的影響,並檢視運動興趣、自我效能、學習成效因素間的相關。方法:研究預試在105學年度,正式研究在106學年度。105學年度第1學期第1週參與網球課程之140名學生進行網球技能自我效能量表預試,進行量表信效度分析,共發放150份問卷,得有效問卷140份。106學年度正式研究,第1學期第1週進行前測,包含基本資料、運動興趣量表、網球自我效能量表,第16週進行網球自我效能表後測,前後測共發放250份問卷,得總有效問卷236份。第17、18週進行網球學習成效分數評量。結果:(一)在不同運動興趣高低與網球課程自我效能前測間無顯著差異。(二)不同運動興趣高低與學習成效間無顯著差異。(三)不同運動興趣高低與網球課程自我效能後測間有顯著差異,LSD事後比較發現,受試者運動興趣對於網球課程自我效能後測差異程度為高分組優於中間組優於低分組。(四)運動興趣與自我效前測r =.15及運動興趣與自我效能後測r =.21呈低度正相關,共2個分項相關達顯著水準,顯著相關比率為66.7%。而學習成效與運動興趣、自我效能前測、自我效能後測未達顯著相關。結論:未來大學網球課程教學安排上,能先瞭解大學生運動興趣,以運動興趣作為課程設計的依據,將能有較佳的自我效能信心。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of different sport interest levels on self-efficacy and learning outcomes, and examine the correlation between sports interest, self-efficacy, and learning effectiveness in tennis course. Method: this study had done the pretest in the academic year 2016 and done the formal study in the academic year 2017. We had done the pilot study about tennis skill and self-efficacy to 140 students who participated in tennis course in the first week of the fall semester 2016. The formal study started in the academic year 2017 and had done the pre-test questionnaire, including basic information, sports interest scale, and tennis self-efficacy table in the first week of the fall semester 2017. In the 16^(th) week of the fall semester 2017, this study had done the post-test. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed, and 236 valid of them were obtained. Tennis learning achievement scores were evaluated at the 17^(th)and 18^(th) weeks. This study had found out four concepts of the Results: First, there was no significant difference between different sport interest levels and the pre-test self-efficacy of tennis lessons. Second, there was no significant difference between different sport interest levels and learning effectiveness. Third, there was a great significant difference between the different sport interest levels and the post-test self-efficacy of the tennis curriculum. After comparing LSD, it was found that the degree of discrepancy is present as the high scoring group is better than the middle group and middle group better than the low scoring group in the post-test self-efficacy of the participants' sports interest. Forth, sports interest and self- efficacy pre-tes r = t.15 and sports interest and self-efficacy post-test r =.21 emerge a low but positive correlation. A total of 2 sub-items related to a significant level of 66.7%. However, the learning effectiveness of sports interest, self- efficacy pre-test and the post-test self-efficacy were not significantly related. Conclusion: Students will have better confidence in self-efficacy if we can first understand their interest and using this research as the basis of course design in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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