


The Relationships among Social Support, Emotional Labor and Job Performance of the Hospitality Front-line Employees




吳淑禎(Shu-Chen Wu);周璻薇(Tsui-Wei Chou);謝辰昕(Chen-Hsin Hsieh);劉俊億(Chun-Yi Liu)


餐飲外場從業人員 ; 社會支持 ; 情緒勞務 ; 工作表現 ; 觀光飯店 ; hospitality front-line employees ; Social support ; Emotional labor ; Job performance ; Tourist hotel




12期(2010 / 07 / 01)


1 - 30






The main purpose of this study was to examine relationships among social support, emotional labor, and job performance. Quantitative data was collected from 329 hospitality front-line employees. Results showed that employee who reported receiving high levels of social support, positive perception on emotional labor, and good job performance. T test and Tukey test results indicated that demographic variables were statistically significant differences on these research variables. Stepwise regression analysis results suggest that social support and emotional labor were statistically significant predictor variables for job performance, and the coefficient of determination (R^2) was 33.2%. Specifically, a causal modeling approach tests indicate that employee perceptions of social support and positive emotional labor can increase job performance. Other results suggest a positive relationship between social support and emotional labor, a positive relationship between emotional labor and job performance, and that emotional labor mediates effects of social support on job performance. Recommendations for future research and applications of the results were suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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