


Brexit and Its Impact on the UK's Plural Legal System




洪德欽(Der-Chin Horng)


英國脫歐 ; 歐盟 ; 多元法律體系 ; 歐盟現行法律 ; 《歐洲聯盟條約》第50條 ; 《歐盟運作條約》 ; 國會主權 ; 1972年《歐洲共同體法》 ; 《脫歐法案》 ; Miller案 ; Brexit ; European Union ; plural legal system ; acquis communautaire ; Treaty on European Union (TEU) ; Article 50 ; Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) ; Parliamentary sovereignty ; 1972 European Community Act (ECA 1972) ; EU Withdrawal Bill ; Miller case




46卷S期(2017 / 11 / 01)


1017 - 1114




英國於2016年6月23日舉行脫歐公投,脫歐陣營以51.9%得票率勝出,震驚世界。《里斯本條約》於2009年12月1日生效後,《歐洲聯盟條約》第50條已明文規定「會員國得依據其本國憲法規定及條件,脫離歐盟。」《歐洲聯盟條約》第50條規定主要是讓會員國得以「有秩序」脫歐,以維持會員國及歐盟之政經與社會穩定,並藉機架構一項新的雙邊合作關係。英國加入歐盟必須接受歐盟現行法律,大大豐富了其法律內涵。英國加入歐盟是以1972年《歐洲共同體法》(ECA 1972),解決英國法與歐盟法之關係,確立了歐盟法對英國法具有直接適用及優先效力。英國脫歐乃是為了取回主權及法律控制權。英國脫歐對其多元法律體系將帶來重大影響,乃是一項具有政治敏感性及憲政重要性的議題。英國於2017年3月29日通知歐盟高峰會其脫歐意願,正式啟動脫歐程序。原則上,英國與歐盟應於2年內達成一項脫歐協定。英國脫歐已衍生許多問題及不確定性,並涉及複雜的法律問題,尤其英國脫歐通知是否必須事先經由國會立法授權?脫歐引發的Miller案有那些主要法律爭議,又如何解決英國脫歐內部程序問題?英國與歐盟如何進行《歐洲聯盟條約》第50條脫歐談判?第50條程序涉及哪些法律議題、談判程序及問題?英國與歐盟如何架構雙邊未來關係?英國脫歐後歐盟法律在英國之效力如何界定,又如何延續適用?英國脫歐對人民既得權利有何影響?英國計畫訂定一項《脫歐法案》以廢除ECA 1972,取回英國法律控制權,並因應脫歐後,英國面對的法律挑戰。《脫歐法案》有哪些重要內容?又如何解決脫歐後英國與歐盟的法律關係?英國脫歐對英國與歐盟多元法律體系有何意涵與影響?凡此種種,在在對英國的國會主權、憲政運作、多元法律體系之變遷與調適,以及英歐未來關係,構成重大挑戰,值得研究。


On the 23^(rd) of June 2016 the United Kingdom held a referendum on exiting the European Union. The Leave side won, with 51.9% of the votes, to the surprise of international onlookers. With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on the 1st of December 2009, Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, sets out clearly the terms for withdrawal from the Union: "Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements." Article 50 underlines the importance of a Member State's "orderly" exit from the Union, in order to maintain the political, economic and social stability of the Member State and of the European Union, and Article 50 also refers to the establishment of cooperative relations anew between the two parties. When the UK joined the EU it had to accept the EU acquis and this greatly enriched UK law. The UK adopted the 1972 ECA to resolve the relationship between UK law and EU law, and to confirm the direct applicability and supremacy of EU law in the UK's legal system. The withdrawal of the UK from the EU will have a significant impact on the UK's pluralist legal system. The Brexit is therefore a politically sensitive subject as well as a constitutionally important one. The UK formally notified the European Council on 29 March 2017 of its intention to withdraw from the EU. In principle, the UK and the EU shall conclude a withdrawal agreement in the two years following the notification. Britain's departure from the EU has already given rise to many problems and to uncertainty. It involves complex legal problems; in particular, whether or not the notification to leave the EU has to be given prior authorization through legislation. What are the main legal issues involved in the Miller case triggered by Brexit? And how to solve the UK's internal procedural problems for the Brexit notification? But also: how will the UK and the EU conduct the Article 50 negotiations? Which areas of law will be affected by the Article 50 process? How are the UK and EU going to conduct the negotiations pertaining to their future relationship? What procedures will they use and which questions will they tackle? What scope will EU law have within the UK after it withdraws from the Union? What impact will the withdrawal from the Union have on the acquired rights of British citizens? The UK will introduce a European Union (Withdrawal) Bill to repeal the ECA 1972, to take back legal control from the EU and to respond to the legal challenges after Brexit. What are the main contents of the EU Withdrawal Bill? And how to deal with the UK-EU legal relationship after the UK's exit from the EU? All these questions require a thorough study because they pose enormous impacts on the future relationship between the UK and the EU and also to the British pluralistic legal system, in terms of the changes and adjustments required.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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