


The Study on Decision Factor of Consumers Participates Hot-Spring Hotel by Image Marketing-A Case of Guan Zi Ling Hot Spring District




吳慶烜(Ching-Hsuan Wu)


溫泉旅館 ; 意象 ; 意象行銷指標 ; Hot spring hotel ; Image ; Image marketing index




32期(2006 / 12 / 01)


399 - 417




台灣溫泉旅館正面在多元化的競爭,若採納意象行銷方式進行市場區隔,將有助於業者之經營與發展。本文以意象行銷爲主軸,透過分析溫泉參與者之認知,試圖建立影響意象因素及意象行銷指標,嘗試建立溫泉旅館意象行銷指標,供業者參考。 本研究以問卷調查法實施,針對關仔嶺溫泉區實際參與溫泉活動的消費者進行抽樣對象,共有355份有效問卷。研究發現:透過分析民眾參與溫泉旅館選擇因素,可建構五大溫泉旅館意象行銷指標包括:溫泉旅館環境景觀特色指標、溫泉旅館設備品質需求指標、溫泉旅館產品組合指標、溫泉旅館附加價值指標與溫泉旅館參與阻礙程度指標;在受訪者心目中認爲最重視的意象因素,前五項包括:環境與設備的清潔、住宿設備周全隱密設施舒適與安全性、可以放鬆心情達到休閒娛樂、對於整體環境氣氛的感覺及使家人、朋友關係更親密。同時亦發現不同教育程度、職業與收入的差異,對溫泉旅館的意象有顯著性的差異存在。 基此,依據本文分析之結果,可建議業者推出不同之意象行銷策略,強化身溫泉旅館意象,提升服務品質,增進民眾參與溫泉休閒活動之意願。


The purpose of this study is designed to understand the relationship of the condition that consumers consider when consumers participates the hot springs hotel recreation, the construction the beacon that influences the consumers to participate to select and to understand the relationship the consumers for image marketing and consume the behavior of hot spring hotel. A questionnaire is developed and distributed to active hot spring tourists after the actual experience at the Gwen Zen Lien hot spring site. The 355 subjects, effective questionnaires are analyzed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, One-way analysis of variance were used to analyze the data regarding leisure sports participation. The findings of the study concluded in five aspects: First, five psychological elements of hot spring tourist's recreational experience psychologically are defined and ultimately named as Hot springs hotel environment view special features index sign, Hot springs hotel equipment quality need beacon, The hot springs hotel product combination, The additional and worth index sign of the hot springs hotel and The hot springs hotel participates the baffling degree index sign. Second, subject's actual top-five environmental experience image marketing factor importance are respectively ”The environment and equipment sweep”, ”Safety precautions standards taken” , ”relaxation pleasure”, ”For the feeling of the whole environment atmosphere”, and ”Make the family, friend relate to more intimate”. This research image marketing factor should value it toward degree for the hot springs hotel industry, and announce the image marketing factor to make different marketing policy according, provide the operator with the hot springs image that enhance oneself, to promote the service quality and promote the consumers more the benefit in participate the leisure activity of the hot spring.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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