Purposes: This study integrated intergenerational learning strategy to design active aging activities through Elderhostel program to promote the elderly health learning and to evaluate the learning effectiveness on active aging.
Methods: A total of 60 older persons, aged over 60, coming from Chia-yi county, Chia-yi city, Yun-lin County and 19 university students voluntarily participated in this program. The learning effectiveness was evaluated by survey, group discussion, individual interview, participating observation and video recording.
Results: Over 90% participants agreed with these activities had yielded good results in active aging learning, model learning, accessing to social care and enhancing intergenerational interaction. The factors of age, sex, education level, self-rated health status significantly affected effectiveness of active aging learning. The Elderhostel educational way contributed to changing university student's negative attitude to the old man and increased the care to the elderly. It also increased the interest of old man's healthy aging learning, and the confidence of practicing healthy life.
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