


Intersectionality and Chinese Gender History


衣若蘭(Jo-lan Yi)


交織性 ; 中國性別史研究 ; 倫理階序 ; 中華脈絡 ; intersectionality ; Chinese gender history ; hierarchy ; Chinese context




30期(2017 / 12 / 01)


167 - 230






This article examines how intersectional theories and methods can expand the scope of research in Chinese gender history and foster new paths of inquiry. The author argues that the study of the dynamics of gender in Chinese history could be further enhanced by reconsidering the historical intersections between class, ethnicity and gender, rather than adopting a "gender only" or "gender first" viewpoint. Such an approach would expand our analysis of gender identities, taking into account various intertwined factors such as the hierarchical distinctions between generations, birth-order, and marital rank (primary wives, concubines, and their offspring), as well as ethnicity. A broader analysis of the intersection of these factors will provide us with more nuanced approaches and a deeper understanding of gender in Chinese history. Moreover, the author is hopeful that this research will contribute to a better dialogue between historians of gender and those of other fields, while also encouraging research on gender theory by offering further insight on Chinese gender culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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