


Well-wrought Structure and Crystal Clarity: A Study of Hu Shi's of Academic Writing Style




陳平原(Ping-Yuan Chen)


文體 ; 述學 ; 白話 ; 演講 ; literary style ; academic writing ; vernacular Chinese ; lecture ; Hu Shi




38期(2002 / 12 / 01)


153 - 186






Compared with the style of argumentative prose used to discuss immediate political questions, the academic prose of traditional scholarship more clearly reveals Chinese academic taste in the 1910s. It was not enough to use vernacular Chinese in literary writing, but necessary to use it as a mode of academic prose to ensure the success of the vernacular movement. There were still stylistic prejudices as to what was high or low and elegant or vulgar, though this did not solve the difficulties in handling the relationship between the present and the ancient in ”academic writing”. In spite of flaws, Hu Shi's Zhongguo zhexueshi dagang [Outline of Chinese Philosophical History] opened a new era of vernacular academic writing. Hu Shi emphasized that ”works” must be ”well-wrought structures” rather than just a collection of quotations, notes or conclusions from articles. The concept of ”structure” here refers to the framework while and ”academic writing” indicates the nature of the contents. Stylistic harmony then stems from the well-wrought structure and clear expression. The formation of this style had much to do with Hu Shi's long-term enthusiasm for delivering lectures. A good lecturer succeeds through a well-thought-out plan and an imposing manner but seldom doubtshimself or proceeds circuitously, and this approach exerted a direct influence on Hu Shi's academic writing. This is also a reason we regret the lack of profundity and incisiveness in Hu Shi's articles while appreciating his crystal clarity and eloquence. The intention of Hu Shi's call for using the vernacular in academic writing was to break down the then-popular argument that contrasted ”pure literature” with ”jumble literature”. In terms of literary development since the late Qing, most scholars have appreciated the formation of modern literature and particularly praise so-called ”pure literature”. But the relatively broad view of literature held by Hu Shi (and his predecessor Zhang Taiyan) represents an attempt to bridge literature and scholarship by modern Chinese scholars, and this attempt too should be appreciated.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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