


Corporate Governance, Partner Selection, and Alliance Performance: Comparison between U.S. and Taiwan




賴蓉禾(Jung-Ho Lai)


公司治理 ; 夥伴選擇 ; 策略聯盟績效 ; corporate governance ; partner selection ; alliance performance




4卷2期(2011 / 08 / 01)


1 - 38






Based on stakeholder theory, this study aimed to discuss if the soundness of corporate governance mechanisms of a firm can be viewed as a measure of its degree of trustworthiness. According to the two main corporate governance values of moral integrity and information transparency, this study investigates that if the soundness of a firm's corporate governance will increase partner's benefit, and firm's probability of being selected as alliance counterpart? Will the difference of governance soundness between partners destroy the alliance outcome? Finally, is the content of corporate governance affected by national culture? The empirical result shows that a firm gains more when the partner institutes a better governance system. The sounder the governance of both partnering firms, the better the alliance outcome will be as a whole. The results held true in both Taiwan and U. S. samples, indicating that stakeholder theory has a significant impact and no cultural boundaries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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