


The Effect of Interviewer's Worry About Mistakes on Applicant Performance Evaluation: Comparison Between Videoconferencing Interview and Face to Face Interview




羅新興(Hsin-Hsin Lo);梁成明(Chen-Ming Liang)


失才憂慮 ; 取庸憂慮 ; 現場面談 ; 視訊面談 ; 應徵者表現評價 ; losing talent worry ; admitting mediocrity worry ; face to face interview ; videoconferencing interview ; applicant performance evaluation




16卷1期(2023 / 02 / 01)


47 - 74






The main purpose is to explore the effect of interviewers' worry about mistakes (losing talent worry, admitting mediocrity worry) and interview media (face to face interview, videoconferencing interview) on the applicant performance evaluation. This study uses quasi-experimental design for students and graduate students of the University. Analysis of 153 samples obtained the following findings. First, the subject's worry about losing talent may positively affect the applicant performance evaluation, and the subject's worry about admitting mediocrity may negatively affect the applicant performance evaluation. Secondly, face to face interviews may enhance the positive effect of losing talent worry on applicant performance evaluation. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the research findings and suggest future research recommendations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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