


The Relationship among Cooperative Motives, Partner Characteristics, Relationship Involvement and Organizational Cooperation Performance: Evidence from Real Estate Brokerage Business




張力(Li Chang);林翠蓉(Tsui-Jung Lin);侯啟娉(Chi-Ping Ho);曾雪梨(Hsueh-Li Tseng)


合作績效 ; 合作動機 ; 夥伴特質 ; 關係涉入程度 ; Cooperative Performance ; Cooperative Motives ; Partner Characteristics ; Relationship Involvement




6卷1期(2013 / 05 / 01)


21 - 58




異業進行策略聯盟已成為面對競爭的一種方法,不僅可以降低成本提高經營績效,還可以將資源投入本業中,因而強化競爭力。台灣服務業產值如今已占GDP 75%以上,為迎合消費者需求並提供高附加價值服務之議題已刻不容緩。雖然台灣房仲業之服務已趨成熟,但以價值鏈觀點及消費者需求檢視其整體服務,不難發現仍有可發展空間;房仲業若能藉由品牌優勢、善用資源整合、有效掌握異業合作機會,便可發展另一因應客戶需求之衍生服務。但在台灣八大仲介公司中,僅A房屋在大台北地區提供住宅整建轉介服務,而擁有龐大潛在商機之房仲業者未能全面推廣必有其因。因此,本研究採深度訪談與內容分析法,期能透過資料之整理、分析與歸納,以瞭解房仲業與整建業之組織合作績效之影響因素,並提出對異業合作策略之建議。本研究以合作動機、夥伴特質及關係涉入程度為變數,探討各變數對合作績效的影響,研究結論為:(1)合作動機是影響合作績效之重要因子,且合作動機與合作績效呈正相關;(2)夥伴特質是影響合作績效之重要因子,且夥伴特質愈一致合作績效愈佳;(3)合作夥伴間的關係涉入程度是影響合作績效之重要因子,且合作夥伴間的關係涉入程度與合作績效呈正向關係。


Subcontracting the non-core business and establishing vertical strategic alliance between related businesses has been regarded an effective way for the purpose of reducing overheads in recent years. Moreover, it provides flexibility to the management, leaves more resources available to the core business development, and enhances corporate competitiveness.Among the eight major real estate brokerage companies in Taiwan, we find only Company A is currently offering renovation referral services to its customers but limited in Taiwan. There should be plenty reasons why this business, though highly potential is not widely deployed yet. We wish to find them out through a series of interviews with staffs of Company S and its partnering companies and we also wish to provide some insights to all real estate brokerage companies for their future reference.This research attempts to examine whether the motivation of cooperation, the characters of cooperating partners and the depth of involvement are as the key factors of cooperation performance and trying to find out the relationship among the motivation of cooperation, the characters of cooperating partners and the depth of involvement and cooperation performance. Our result show: (1) motivation of cooperation is a key factor to the cooperation performance and they are proportional to each other; (2) the characters of cooperating partners is also an important factor to the cooperation performance. The more identical on their characters, the better the cooperation performance will be; and (3) the depth of involvement is essential to the cooperation outcome and they are proportional to each other.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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