


Investigating Changes in Social Trend and Value from the Consumption Phenomenon Perspective




胡正文(Cheng-Wen Hu)


消費現象 ; 社會趨勢 ; 價值觀 ; 炫耀性消費 ; Consumption phenomenon ; Social Trends ; Values ; Heroic Consumption




6期(2006 / 07 / 01)


31 - 66




自古以來,人類的消費行為就是一種重要的社會行為。人類是集體生活的動物,因此當我們展現消費行為時,並不只以達到自我肯定為滿足,我們的消費行為在某種程度上還要獲得社會的認可。獲得社會認可的消費行為是一種自我的表達,也是一種人際的溝通。透過不同消費行為的展現,我們也正告知周遭的人群,我們所重視的社會價值觀。 近來,從北到南,愈來愈多大型旗艦中心進駐台灣開幕,不論是名牌代理,還是知名拓點,反正在業者刻意炒作下消息始終不斷。有趣的是政治圖騰無法跨越的濁水溪,對品牌和消費者而言卻是完全無障礙的。許多人開始好奇,難道台灣的經濟已復甦?難道台灣人的錢又開始淹腳目?是什麼因素讓國外旗艦大店開個不停?是什麼因素讓臺灣人的消費能力如此驚人?難道台灣的消費者已進入象徵消費的消費現象?我們的滿足是來自產品的象徵效用,而非其功能效用?高消費能力是臺灣從匱乏走向富裕的表徵,但是消費文化和社會倫理的關係對社會大眾的價值觀、身心發展均影響深遠。「我買故我在」正逐漸主導台灣大眾的思想,無疑地,用「消費」來標示個人的身分認同,用風格與品味來彰顯自己的獨特性,在現代消費社會中尤為極端與盛行。本文的研究方向將分別由現象與本質面切入,探討當代文化、社會趨勢與價值觀的滲透影響對人們產生的消費意識和價值。


Consumer behavior has always been important social behavior from ancient times. Humans are gregarious social animals, therefore when we exhibit consumer behavior, it is not just for our own gratification, but also to try and win social acceptance. Socially acceptable consumer behavior is also a type of self-expression and a type of interpersonal communication. With different types of consumer behavior, we are also telling the people around us about the social values that we care about. Recently, there has been more and more name brand distributors opening flagship retail centers throughout Taiwan, and similar news just keeps coming out through manipulation of the promoters. Interestingly enough, the symbolic political boundary of the Jhuoshuei River doesn't seem to have any effect on brands and consumers. Many people can not help but wonder: ”Has the economy in Taiwan recovered already?”, ”Is Taiwanese money flooding everywhere like it used to again?”, ”Why is it that flagship stores from overseas just keep opening?”, ”Why is the consumption power of Taiwan people so shockingly strong?”, ”Have Taiwanese consumers entered into a symbolic consumption phase of consumption phenomenon?”, ”Does our gratification come from the symbolic effect of products instead of their functional effect?”. Strong consumption power is a sign that Taiwan has emerged from poverty to wealth, but the relationship between consumption culture and social morality has a very strong influence on both the values and physical/mental development of society as a whole. The thinking of ”I buy to live” is gradually leading the masses in Taiwan, and without a doubt, using ”consumption” as a personal status label, or using style and taste to highlight one's uniqueness is especially extreme and prominent in this modern consumption society. This study will start from the phenomenal and fundamental aspects to find out the subliminal influence of modern culture, social trends and values on the consumer consciousness and values generated by people.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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