


The Cultural Taste of Food-Diet and Social Life of the Atayal Tribe Living in the Dajia River Basin




楊翎(Lin Yang)


泰雅族 ; 食物 ; 文化味覺 ; 共感認同 ; Atayal tribe ; food ; cultural taste ; empathy and identify




3卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30






By taking the Atayal tribe in the Dajia river basin, Heping county, Taichung city, as an research object, this article aims at investigating mutually constructive correlation between the eating behavior and collective society of the tribe. From different aspects of food production, eating materials, cooking processes, together-eating and taboo in special occasions, this article traces back to changes of related documents in the ethnography over the past, and also unlocks the relationship among tribes, personal discrimination and identification inside Atayal tribe according to their local food habits and food evolution processes. The effective role the food has played hinges on the facts that food is an embodiment inside the cultural habits, and cultural tastes transited through different space and time mix the meaning of metaphor, extension explanation, and symbolization. Through the biological and cultural processes of the food becoming a part of the body, eating materials can be regarded as a carrier transforming from one eating context to another. The agricultural production and the evolution of versatile food tastes can be regarded as one of social and cultural adaptation strategies. However, in some occasions, such as life rituals and ceremonial activities, the Atayal people still continues to adopt eating-together and performance of traditional food to convey unspeakable empathy experience, thereby identifying each other in the entangled and complicated society. Because of this, although the original tribe system and social structure of the Atayal tribe have been destroying gradually apparently, their eating behaviors and inherent food habits reveal that there are still close correlation among their social structure, religious belief, classification concept of their material culture system, and even food notion. In addition to effect of their harvest and hunting results, the Utux's impacts are mainly used for explaining the true reasons why the Atayal tribe chooses certain eating materials in certain occasions, thereby recalling cultural taste and memory and establishing or enforcing personal identification.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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