The influences of instructor’s leadership development after leading adventure education activity at the first time, from the perspective of Leadership Identity Development Theory. The researchers found that the instructors’ leadership development path stayed in the Awareness, Exploration and Leader Identity stages, only the first three stages, and was unable to complete six stages. Corollary factors affecting were related to the past experiences, conflicts, reflective learning, goal setting, clear details, team culture, the subsequent review, subjective consciousness, leadership and leading style. After leading the ROOT, the instructors built up time management improvement, self-confidence, emotional control, specific knowledge and skills of outdoor activities, and personal growth; For future development was that instructors confirmed their interests and abilities were associated with outdoor field after leading the ROOT. They will also look for outdoor field as their future career. The study suggests that it would be possible to explore important factors that influence leading development by adopting Situational Leadership Theory and Team Development Model.
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