


Home Literacy Environment and the Receptive Vocabulary of Young Children




林珮伃(Pei-Yu Lin)


家庭語文環境 ; 閱讀發展 ; 接收性詞彙 ; home literacy environment ; reading development ; receptive vocabulary




23期(2012 / 08 / 01)


23 - 44




本研究主要目的在瞭解幼兒接收性詞彙表現,和其所生長的家庭語文環境有何關聯,參與本研究的幼兒共309位,來自中部地區3縣市,2所公立幼稚園8個班級,和3所私立幼稚園16個班級,本研究施以修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗 (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised, PPVT-R),測得幼兒接收性詞彙,採自編「家庭語文環境量表」,獲知家庭語文環境的優質程度,以及父母教育程度,並將不同程度的中文家庭語文環境分為四組,本研究發現幼兒接收性詞彙表現,會因中文家庭語文環境優質程度的不同而有差異;研究亦顯示幼兒接收性詞彙表現,會因其父母教育程度的不同而有所差異,排除父母教育程度的因子後,整體家庭語文環境對幼兒接收性詞彙能力的表現仍具有解釋力。


The main purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between young children's receptive vocabulary and their home literacy environment (HLE). The participants included 309 young children, selected from 24 classes of 3 private and 2 public kindergartens, located in 3 different counties or cities of the Middle Taiwan. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised was applied to collect the receptive vocabulary, and the self-developed Home Literacy Environment Scale was applied to collect home literacy environment as well as the parental education. The quality of HLE among the participants was divided into four groups. The difference of Chinese HLE in young children's receptive vocabulary was found. HLE still accounted for the receptive vocabulary of young children as parental education was controlled.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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