


Integrating Local Cultural Theme with PBL and Information Technlogy: A case Study in one Junior High School


古士傑(Shih-Chieh Ku)


PBL ; 創新教學 ; 5C量表 ; 課程改革 ; PBL ; nnovation teaching ; 5C Scale ; Curriculum Reform




48期(2020 / 06 / 01)


57 - 80




本研究旨在探討「PBL+I CAN」創新教學模式應用於三領域(語文、藝術與人文、與社會領域)圍繞南投陶藝以及南投在地風土民情特色為教學主題,因為知識的學習主動者是學生,決定把孩子主動學習的計畫導入國中,讓學生能活用課本中的知識解決問題,知道自己是有能力完成計畫,將課本裡的知識轉化成實踐成果!其目的在於幫助孩童學習人生的寶貴課題-「我做得到」的自信心,讓孩子活用所學知識,去處理周遭問題。以PBL(Problem-based learning)結合資訊力(Information)、構件(Component)與網路(Network),產出創新教學運作模式PBL+ICAN,此模式運作下也能建構出學生I Can的成功經驗與自信心,而I can也正是DFC(Design For Change)的精神,此創新教學模式的目標在培養學生5C能力,即「溝通能力、團隊合作能力、反思能力、解決複雜問題能力以及創造力等五大關鍵能力以及DFC關鍵能力,即「感受力(Feel)、想像力(Imagine)、實踐力(Do)、分享力(Share)」四個關鍵能力。本課程設計從激發學生主動學習為出發點,以探索在地社區作為課程架構,教師跨領域協同教學,學生分組學習,並以行動載具搭配體驗課程,學生透過PBL+ICAN教學模式體驗主動學習,探索認識南投在地文化,進而啟發學生認識故鄉社區,以及感恩回饋社區的情懷。本研究目的如下:一、基於PBL的概念,設計一套讓學生應用資訊科技融入學科的學習教材。二、探討學生5C及DFC關建能力在資訊科技融入教學應用創新中,有在平均水準的表現。本研究採個案研究,分別以南投市某國中七年級、八年級以及九年級學生為研究對象,學生在教學前、後均接受5C量表,並以Google site協作平台及google表單等的學生歷程記錄,並以學生的學習心得作為研究質性分析。本研究預期PBL+ICAN創新教學對學生們學習的影響有正面影響、PBL+ICAN創新教學提升了學生關鍵能力以及學生經由此課程能發展在傳統課程中較少開發的多元能力。最後本研究提出本研究的限制,並以研究結果提出具體建議,提供給未來進行創新教學課程改革研究的研究者作為參考。


The present study aimed to investigate「PBL+ I CAN」Innovation Teaching mode which is applied into three areas (Mandarin, Art and humanities, social studies), which is themed as Nantou Ceramics and local cultures teaching goal. The students should learn knowledge actively; therefore, we design this project to help students learn actively. Students can use the knowledge in the textbook to solve the problem. They know that they are capable of completing the project, and transform the knowledge in the textbook into practical results! The purpose is to help students learn the precious topic of life-- "I CAN ", and the students use what they have learned to deal with the surrounding problems. This teaching mode, PBL combined with "Information","Component"and "Network", was adopted to implement teaching activities."I CAN"is also the spirit of DFC (Design For Change Challenge). The purpose of the innovation teaching mode was to cultivate 5C competencies of students, which are communication, collaboration, complex problem solving, critical thinking , creativity (five key competencies) ,feel, imagine, do and share (DFC four key competencies). The course design originated from inspiring students to learn actively and explored local neighborhood, which is used to frame lessons. Teachers who teaches different subjects teach students collaboratively. Students participate experienced courses by mobile instruments through groups. Students experience active learning through PBL+I CAN instruction and discover Nantou Ceramics; furthermore, students know more about the neighborhood and appreciate the community. The research applied Case Study. The purpose of this study presents as follows: 1. Based on the concept of PBL, a set of learning materials for students to apply information technology into the subject are designed. 2. 5C and DFC competencies of the students within PBL+I CAN instruction can achieve in average. The subjects of the study were seventh graders, eighth graders and ninth graders in Nantou County. The subjects received 5C Scale before and after instruction. Google site and Google forms were utilized to record subjects. The learning reflections of subjects were applied as Qualitative analysis. The research is expected to reveal PBL+ I CAN innovative instruction has a positive impact on students. The research also revealed PBL+ I CAN innovative instruction enhances students' key skills. The research finally inferred students can develop diverse abilities that are less developed in traditional courses through this instruction. Lastly, limitation of the study and the suggestions of the study were offered as reference for future researchers who continue to study innovative instruction about curriculum reform.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 數學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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