


The Design and Application of a Chatbot in Clinical Nursing Education




莊宇慧(Yeu-Hui CHUANG);陳怡婷(Yi-Ting CHEN);郭倩琳(Chien-Lin KUO)


聊天機器人 ; 護理教育 ; 行動學習 ; 智慧型手機 ; chatbots ; mobile learning ; nursing education ; smartphone




68卷6期(2021 / 12 / 01)


19 - 24






The vigorous development of information and communication technology has enabled great progress in the application of mobile learning in clinical nursing education. Mobile learning allows students to use the internet and mobile devices to access convenient, immediate learning anytime and anywhere to achieve ubiquitous learning. Smartphones have become indispensable communication tools in our daily life. Smartphones equipped with chatbots may be used as mobile learning tools that are free of time and space limitations and promote instant responses and humanized interactions. These applications may help meet the preferences of a new generation of nurses. In this article, the concepts of mobile learning are introduced, the advantages and limitations of educational chatbots are discussed, suggestions for the application of chatbots in education are provided, and the author's teaching plan for creating a chatbot via the LINE app is shared. Using chatbots allows nursing educators to integrate technology into clinical teaching, develop multiple innovative teaching materials, and create a fun environment to promote professional learning and facilitate self-growth in nursing staff.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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