


The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Work-Family Conflict: The Good Soldier Syndrome?




林鉦棽(Cheng-Chen (Timothy) Lin);賴鳳儀(Fong-Yi Lai);黃紹慶(Shaw-Chin Huang);運蕙韶(Hui-Shao Pan);鍾潤富(Zen-Fu Cheng)


組織公民行為 ; 情緒耗竭 ; 工作家庭衝突 ; 政治技能 ; Organizational ; Citizenship Behavior ; Emotional Exhaustion ; Work-Family Conflict ; Political Skill




28卷1期(2011 / 02 / 01)


31 - 47






Based on the benefits of employees' organizational citizenship behaviors to an organization, how to encourage employees to exhibit such job behaviors has received much of the attention from both academic and practices. Even with limited empirical findings, researchers suggested possible negative consequences to an employee for whom exhibiting organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition to the validation of possible negative effects of organizational citizenship behavior, we also investigated the mechanism in the above relationship and its moderator was also tested. Sampling from 188 frontline police staff their spouses, and Immediate supervisors, we found emotional exhaustion mediates the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and work-family conflict Furthermore, political skill decreases the negative influence of organizational citizenship behavior According to the above results, some academic and practical suggestions were offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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