


A Study of Internal Marketing, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in the Five-Star Hotels: Locus of Control Personality Traits as a Moderator


許順旺(Shun-Wang Hsu);張姮燕(Heidi H. Chang);吳紀美(Chi-Mei Wu);曹建南(Chien-Nan Tsao)


內部行銷 ; 組織承諾 ; 績效表現 ; 內外控人格特質 ; 五星級旅館 ; Internal Marketing ; Organizational Commitment ; Job Performance ; Locus of Control Personality Trait ; Five-star Hotel




83期(2013 / 12 / 01)


43 - 78






This study aimed to explore the relationship among employees' perception on internal marketing, organizational commitment, job performance, and personality traits. Research samples were full-time employees and managers who have worked more than six months in the five-star hotels in Taiwan. Questionnaire surveys with convenience sampling were applied for data collection. Sample matching method was applied so that direct managers were invited to evaluate job performance of their subordinate employees. Five hundred questionnaires were sent to employees and 100 questionnaires to the manager-level. A total of 388 valid questionnaires were received from employees while 82 valid questionnaires from manager-level were received. Research results indicated that: (1) when organization has more internal marketing (management support, communication, encouragement and training), employees' organizational commitment and job performance are higher; (2) when employees' organizational commitment is higher, their job performance is better; (3) organizational commitment had a full mediation effect on the relationships between internal marketing can increase and job performance; (4) internal locus of control moderated the effect between management support and organizational commitment; (5) external locus of control moderated the effect between internal marketing and organizational commitment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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