


Cultural Reflections in Counselor Professional Development




洪莉竹(Li-Chu Hung);陳秉華(Ping-Hwa Chen)


文化意識 ; 文化衝擊 ; 文化反省 ; 諮商員專業發展 ; Culture awareness ; Cultural reflection ; Culture shock ; Counselor professional development




35卷1期(2003 / 09 / 01)


1 - 17




本研究旨在探討國內諮商人員在專業發展過程的文化反省經驗,及文化反省經驗對諮商員專業發展的影響。研究對象是五位在國內從事助人工作的諮商員,經半結構式的訪談之後,運用紮根理論研究法的步驟對訪談資料進行譯碼分析,根據各受訪者的分類稿撰寫每一個受訪者的故事,再從受訪者的故事中歸納出諮商員文化反省經驗中的重要現象。綜合五位諮商員的文化反省經驗可歸納出幾個階段:1. 前期:缺乏文化意識,不易覺察文化的影響力;2.開始期:産生文化意識階段,文化衝擊經驗促發諮商員的文化意識;3.初期:全盤接受階段,諮商員過度認同習自於諮商的觀點;4.中期:衝突和分裂階段,諮商員經驗到價值觀間的衝突及在諮商中無法解決案主問題的困境5.後期:內省與整合階段,衝突和挫折經驗促發諮商員採取調整的行動。本的結論爲:文化衝擊經驗有助於增加諮商員的文化意識,學習與運用專業理論過程的挫折經驗促發諮商員的文化反省。


The purposes of this research were to understand counselors' experiences of cultural reflection during their professional development processes and discuss the influences of this experience on their professional development. The stories of five counselors were written according to semi-constructed interviews, which were developed and analyzed using grounded theory. The following important phenomena were noted from the five counselors' experiences of coultural reflection: (a) Preceding stage: difficulty realizing the influence of culture. (b) Beginning stage: experiencing cultural shock can help counselors increase culture awareness. (c) Early stage: possible over-recognition of the concepts learned from counseling during the stage of lack cultural reflection. (d) Middle stage: experiencing conflicting points of view and puzzling over unsolved problems during the stages of confliction and separation. (e) Later stage: experiencing frustration thus inducing cultural reflection by counselors during the stage of self-reflection and integration. According to the results, clearly the culture shock experience could help increase the culture awareness of counselors. The frustrating experience of learning and applying professional theories could induce cultural reflection of counselors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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