


The Inquiry on Counseling Psychology Interns' Full Time Internship Experience




許韶玲(Shao-Ling Hsu);劉淑瑩(Shu-Ying Liu)


駐地實習經驗 ; 實習諮商心理師 ; counseling psychology interns ; full time internship experience




40卷1期(2008 / 09 / 01)


63 - 83






Since the internship requirement was implemented in counseling psychology programs, no studies of the substance of internship training experience have been conducted. This exploratory study attempted to provide a comprehensive inquiry into the experience of counseling psychology interns. In particular, this study examined factors that influenced site selection, training components of internship sites, and interns' critical reflection of the training process. Based on the diversity of training programs and internship site placement, 15 interns were invited for voluntary participation. Results indicated the following: When selecting sites, location or transportation time was the most important factor, followed by the organization's professional resources or personal professional interests. After entering the sites, interns needed to define their roles as the placement position could be experienced as ambiguous, conflictual, powerless, alienating, and even nonexisting. Internship experience allowed interns to better understand the substance and ecological environment of the counseling psychology profession, as well as the roles and functions of counseling psychologists. These experiences have significant impact on the career development of interns. Recommendations for interns, internship sites, and future research directions were offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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