


Supervision Interventions in Emotional Awareness Task of Counseling Supervision: An Exploratory Study




蔡秀玲(Shiou-Ling Tsai);陳秉華(Ping-Hwa Chen)


情緒覺察 ; 督導介入 ; 諮商督導 ; counseling supervision ; emotional awareness ; supervision intervention




41卷S期(2009 / 10 / 01)


205 - 221






The tasks of supervision include counseling skills, case conceptualization, and emotional awareness. The purpose of the study was to analyze the supervision interventions used to help supervisees become aware of their emotions aroused by their clients. Three supervisor-supervisee dyads participated in the study. Each dyad had six intensive supervision sessions. Each supervisor was interviewed individually to understand her working rationale and interventions. A total of 18 supervision sessions and 9 supervisors' interviews were recorded and transcribed. The qualitative discovery-oriented approach, as well as grounded theory, were used to analyze the collected data. Results found that supervisory interventions involve recognizing and focusing on emotion, providing security and holding, clarifying and validating emotion, and moreover, probing and expanding the link between emotion and cognition. The supervisors' working rationale illustrated assessment of the supervisee's readiness for emotional awareness, following the supervisee, and keeping the supervisory boundary. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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