


The Professional Ethical Dilemmas for Psychologists in Outsourcing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and Their Coping Strategies




王韋琇(Wei-Hsiu Wan);陳姝蓉(Daisy Chen);王智弘(Chih-Hung Wang)


心理師 ; 因應策略 ; 委外式員工協助方案 ; 專業倫理 ; corresponding strategy ; counseling psychologists ; the external model of EAP ; professional ethics




47卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


199 - 216






This study is aimedatdiscussing the professional ethical dilemmas that psychologists encounter in outsourcingemployee assistance programs and their coping strategies. We have individual in-depth interviews with five psychologistsand analyzed the data by qualitative content analysis. The resultsshow the professional ethical dilemmas as following: (1) psychologists are in the embarrassing situation that whose interests should take the priority; (2) psychologists perceive challenges against enterprises introducing professional consultation; (3) psychologists face the pressure thatenterprises are cost-controllingoriented; (4) psychologists worry that the right of doing no harm in individual cases will be jeopardized; (5) psychologists are stuck when individual cases are not willing to seek help but really need help; (6) psychologists face conflicts because of the welfare of individual cases and demands of institutions.The coping strategies are as following: (1) psychologists convey the value of helping others to enterprises and solve the difficulty of interest conflicts; (2) psychologists utilize the characteristics of caringness and encouragement to help others, then dissolve the defense of enterprise; (3) psychologistsutilize specific and feasible strategies to step out of the dilemma that enterprises are cost-controlling oriented; (4) psychologists adjust their counseling style todeal with unaccomplished matters that fail to safeguard the rights of the cases; (5) psychologists practice consultation to help people and resolve predicaments where individual cases are not willing to seek help; (6) psychologists develop a spirit of cooperation in order to eliminate conflicts from the welfare of individual cases and demands of institutions.Finally, we will propose the recommendations based on the findings of this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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