


Career Development Patterns of Junior High School Students




張靖卿(Ching-Ching Chang);吳武典(Wu-Tien Wu);鄒小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Chau);張芝萱(Chih-Hsuan Chang);吳道愉(Tao-Yu Wu)


生涯發展組型 ; 組型分化 ; 學涯組型 ; 優勢組型 ; 職涯組型 ; academic development patterns ; career development patterns ; pattern differentiation ; superior patterns ; vocational development patterns




47卷3期(2016 / 03 / 01)


417 - 448




生涯發展組型是指在某一生涯發展階段,由不同個人特質或表現相互配合而影響生涯發展行為的組合。整合學業能力、職業興趣、工作價值觀和多元智能等多面向測量的「生涯發展組型量表」,可測出高中生的六項職涯組型和二項學涯組型。本研究旨在探討「生涯發展組型量表」應用在測量國中生之適用性,以及了解國中生的生涯發展組型狀況。根據814 名國中樣本的測量結果發現:(1)「生涯發展組型量表」對測量國中生的生涯發展組型具有良好的信、效度;(2)優勢組型分析顯示,國中生的職涯組型以藝術組型人數最多,學涯組型則人文與數理組型比例相當;(3)以性別來看,男生的職涯優勢為實用組型和研究組型,學涯優勢為數理組型,女生的職涯優勢為藝術組型、社會組型和事務組型,學涯優勢則為人文組型;(4)整體而言,各組型優勢比例並未因年級或性別而有差異;(5)就組型分化程度而言,女生比男生有較明顯的學涯組型分化,國三生比國二生有較明顯的職涯組型分化。


Career development patterns (CDPs) refer to the combination of various individual characteristics/performances that would influence one’s career development behaviors. The Career Development Patterns Scale (CDPS) is a tool for exploring high school students’ six vocational CDPs and two academic CDPs, in which students’ academic abilities, career interests, work values, and multiple intelligences were measured. The purposes of this study were to examine the appropriateness of using the CDPS to assess junior high school (JHS) students, and to explore the CDPs of JHS students. Based on a sample of 814 JHS students, the major findings were as the following: (a) The CDPS is a valid and reliable tool for measuring the CDPs of JHS students; (b) In terms of superior patterns, Artistic was identified as the superior vocational CDP of most JHS students, but there were similar percentages of students superior in Humanistic and Scientific academic CDPs; (c) With regards to gender differences, male students had superior academic CDP in Scientific and superior vocational CDPs in Investigative and Realistic, whereas female students had superior academic CDP in Humanistic and superior vocational CDPs in Artistic, Social, and Conventional; (d) No significant differences were found across grades and genders in the proportions of students with different types of superior academic CDPs and vocational CDPs; and (e) In terms of pattern differentiation, female students were more distinct than male students in academic CDPs, and 9th graders were more distinct than 8th graders in vocational CDPs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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